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I have always wanted to be free from the, metaphorical, cage i was in. everything i did was studied. they constantly watched me, making sure i didn't make anything i wasn't supposed too, aka an atomic bomb.

psh, they didn't know i made that when i was four.

i suppose it was my reckless father's fault for this. he couldn't stand rules, and always did things he wasn't supposed too.

aka building an atomic bomb and leaving it in his 'friends' office.

they had to get a whole bomb squad in there, until they realized, my dad didn't connect the wires A and B, making it not being able to actually do anything.

it took them 5 hours to realize that.

i knew that before he even did it.

my dad may have been an asshole but he didn't want innocent's dead.  

my dad came in with everything and exited with even more.

as a young girl, i looked up to him, until i was 8 i realized he was a self absorbed, asshole who only cared for himself and two people.

me and his girlfriend.

he kept me confined and expected me to be greater then him. he judged me and never praised me.

one day when i was, 13, we got in a big fight. we were screaming at each other, i was hysterical, telling him not to touch me and to let go of me. he had a tight grip on my sweater.

i burned that sweater.

my usual strong muscle, became weak with the hysterical-ness and i couldn't do anything be throw a few punches.

i was expected to be so much, i was so strong until that point. i broke that day. he had then let go of my sweater only to grip my arm so hard it bruised for a month.

i ran out on him and his girlfriend who i considered my mom, and i never looked.

i ran out on my best friend. i ran out on my brother. i ran out on my sister. i ran out on my two weird uncles.

ever since then i have been happier, calmer. i was finely free.

only to become exactly what my father was and is.

i stood there in front of my father, as the thing he is.

the same thing i look up to as a child.

the same thing i grew up to hate as a teenager.

he will and always will be known for.

i will be known for.

the same thing i knew from that moment a year ago that would bring us together again.

Tangled webs//Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now