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Disclaimer: I do not own EXO or BTS

He  doubled over in laughter. Not caring who was around and what was going  on. My face transition from a cool poker face to a silly Japanese school  girl red-beefed look. "You have to tell me that joke one more time." Seokjin Kim smirked at me, slowly composing himself from his outburst of sudden  laughter.

"Excuse  you, but this isn't a laughing matter.  I really am going for that art  internship over in Korea. " Even though I didn't show it, I truly did  want to laugh with him. Being a poor student from a semi poor family, I  needed to start earning money for college in the next two years of life.  I didn't really like the arts. However, arts was easy to get in to in order to earn money for  college and study for a stable job. I had dreams to become an anthropologist ; to learn more about human behavior and the unforgiving world around me.

"Just  don't get yourself tangled with all those Korean boys. They charm the  ladies and immediately break their hearts after. They only do it for the drama and the show biz" Jin remarked, shifting his backpack   to in front of him as if it was an  impregnated  belly and casually bumped  me with it. I  stumbled from the sudden impact, shocked from the childish move. I pushed my hands into his backpack, reminding him we were in a public area with many  people giving us judging glances. "Jin! You're Korean, and You haven't  stolen my heart yet. Wait... are you saying that you're...JEALOUS?" I pursed my lips and taunted him." Truth be told, I did like him, and I really wanted him to like me back.

All he did was snicker and looked in the other direction, probably face red full of embarrassment. We  stopped In front of the train platform. Waiting for the sky train  to pick us up and bring us home. After all, we lived a few blocks away  from each other.

"That  internship, Jin..." I began when we stepped onto the train. "It's what I  need. I'm not like you. High and might and fancy and rich and-" I flew  forward. Accidentally tripping on my own feet. The floor flew faster than my brain could tell my hands to stop my pathetic fall. I was doubtful of my surviving after being trampled over by millions of people when I felt a strong yet sturdy arm catch my waist. My eyes went wide, knowing it was Jin who caught me, considering that my feet dangled a few inches off the floor.

"Careful!"  Jin hissed at me with slight embarrassment. He heaved me up and quickly  shoved me forward before the wave of the crowd swallowed us whole.Once  we were in. I suddenly began to flush red. Not because of the embarrassment of  falling, but because Jin was squishing me right against the window. I faced his chest, hearing every drumming heartbeat that threatened to burst through his rib cage. He breathed down my neck, resulting in goosebumps along my collar bone. The train suddenly felt really hot, and I would have done anything to get away from the situation I faced.

All of a sudden, the train strained with weight and the whole crowd squished together further. Jin and I were pressed farther to the right of the train, against  the window. He eventually hovered over me. Shoulders wide and arms around me in a  protective stance. I gasped, catching his attention."What's  wrong?" He asked, with eye brows knitted with mock concern. his lips  threatened to twitch into a playful smile. I caught myself starring at his face and  looked to the side. That was a mistake. It only brought my attention to his sharp jawline...wait....was it always this sharp? I managed to turn  around as best as I could, hoping that the cool window would lower the  temperature of my face. That was also a mistake. I caught Jin looking in  the reflection too. We made eye contact. However he was the only one  that smiled.

It  was only after we got off the train that I could breathe. Jin, however had his smug plastered onto his face as usual. The path back to our houses consisted of a trail through a park and past a lake. Considering what happened on the train today, I  actually thought of it as a romance setting in a novel. I felt like I  could faint any moment. "Can we stop for a bit?" I asked him. He glanced at me and raised an eye brow. God, those eye brows were so smooth...

"Sure,  _______. We do have a few things to talk about..." He smirked sneakily  and lead me to a nearby bench in front of the lake. I truly did thought of Jin as my lovable best friend, but why was I feeling this way right now?! Why, after 3  years has this finally been screaming at me? Did my crush on him intensified, or did mother nature decided that she wanted hormones to lead the way?   I sat flustered on the bench, unable to speak . It was a good thing  that Jin decided to start.

"Uh  so, _____ and I have something to asked you." He turned his to look at  me, his face dead serious as attitude contrasting greatly from the  scenery around us. I stare wide eye back at him, wondering and at the same time, half expecting what he was going to say.  "Look..."  He begins with a sigh. It was my turn to raise an eyebrow at him. "You are extremely awesome. I noticed how you always solved problems, and I am really impressed." My eyes widened with even more hope and ambition. Jin gave me a smile and brought his hand to my face, slowly caressing it. Man, was Jin really going to-?

"I have this new girlfriend and she doesn't seem that impressed with me. So help me out. She is stunningly beautiful and perfect" His hand suddenly dropped and he gave me his signature smirk. He whispered "Unlike you." My stomach dropped and my eyes  suddenly began to look downcast. He tilted his hand upwards forcing me to  look at him. I gave him a little resistance. Was he trying to make me jealous? "You are the only one who I can trust. You are unbelievable at working around people. I swear you had me inside out and had me questioning who I was when we first met!" Jin began to ramble off, but I didn't listen. All I could register was fragments of 'girlfriend...people...met'.

It was  all those words to know that I was friend zoned by Seokjin Kim. I still  hid my worry and sadness either way. I  forced a smile, knowing how much this broke my heart. "Sure! You can  count on your best friend to deal with problems with your girlfriend!"  I spat, voice breaking on the last word. Hoping he heard it I quickly turned  away. Concealing the tears behind my eyes that threatened to poor. Jin  was oblivious to my reactions and took a huge breath. "Thank God, I was  scared you weren't going to help, y'know, knowing you being crazy and all..." That idiot. He didn't know me at all. "Good.  I think we can start heading home now." I quickly got up and walked away. As far from him as possible. He called after me to wait but I ignored  him. It was all I could do to stop myself from crying.

Room Enough For Two! ||Yandere Sehun x Possessive Jin x Reader||Where stories live. Discover now