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I screamed and immediately, people came flooding in.

"______, what happened?" Sehun's voice flew through the door and I almost fainted with relief.

"S-s-s-someone..." I began, but the situation was already self-explanatory. I looked to Sehun. As his brother, he should cry and yell in anger and curse the universe for the fate it had given his brother...

However, all he did was stare at Chanyeol's body. Face unreadable.

I, myself, began to cry. Shocked at what I happened. I just poured my heart out at this traumatizing experience. With my mind blank I didn't register Sehun embracing me in a strong hug and shushing me that everything would be all right.

In the distance I heard the sirens and before I knew it, emergency personnel filed into the room and went into action.

"He's...HE'S BREATHING!" A voice exclaimed. The medic personnel began to perform CPR on Chanyeol. It was a few seconds before started gasping more and more. Then he started yelling and gasping in pain, unable to form coherent words. However, I did hear my name a few times in his speech.

"YES, GOD!" I squealed with delight and hugged Sehun, crying with relief that he was still alive. Sehun still didn't give a reaction and stayed glued to me. His warm arms enveloped me and I laughed with joy. I swore I could have heard a pleasant vibration of a moan from him.

"He's alive, but barely, he needs medical attention." The medic continued on, brows sweating with concentration. "Medic Team, bring him in for immediate surgery." Once Chanyeol was brought out, Mr. Minho came in with a worried look glued to his face a few minutes later.

"I'm afraid Chanyeol will be unable to take over the company. He sighed horribly. Being hurt like that, he may end up dying. We need to pass it on to the next heir. He looked at Sehun, giving him a confirming look.

Sehun stared at me with a blank face before clearing his throat to announce, "I gladly accept to become heir of the Jyungkim Company." He looked down at me again and gave me a small smile. I give him a hard look back, crossing arm and asked,

"What will happen to me now?"

"That's easy," He smirks and caresses his hand on my cheek. I blushed and stared at him. Unable to meet his eyes. "You're going to be my wife now."

My eyes widened in surprise before cursing. "What? I don't get to choose who I want to marry? Excuse you, but I was Chanyeol's wife and before that I was free."

"Father's will-"

"To hell with your father's will!" I yelled before striding out of the room. I was infuriated, confused, and most of all, devastated. Was my own life not in my hands anymore??

"Ms. _____!" Mr. Minho called. I ignored him and ran out of the mansion. Into the streets where I could finally could dictate what I would do.


The fountain that the ledge I sat upon was beautiful, but it only fueled my anger. It was two baby angles, a girl and a boy, dancing together. Tears made its way into my eyes but I brushed them off and going deep into thought.

I wish I was as free as an angel, I told myself.

As far as I knew, I was trapped in Korea, with no where to go. There was a possibility of stealing my passport and getting myself out of here, but Sehun would notice. Would that mean I have to pretend to submit to him and then-

"______!" My head shot up. That sounded a lot like Jin. Maybe it was my imagina-
"______!" It called again. My head shot up and scanned around, making sure I wasn't hallucinating.

That was when I saw Jin.

"Jin?!?" I called. He was standing on the opposite street calling my name. I blinked a few times before yelling back, "JINNNN!"

He smiled before crossing the road and running towards me. I stood up and walked, then began to pick up speed. Until we collided.

I laughed so hard as he swung me around. Without wasting anytime, he placed down and smashed his lips onto mine. I widened my eyes before melting into the kiss itself. It was wonderful. My emotions that I buried for him exploded into a series of fireworks. For the third time today, I cried. I knew I wasn't alone anymore. I had Jin...

I buried my hands into his hair as hugged me tighter. When we broke, his eyes suddenly began to become serious.

"_____, I'm truly sorry. I didn't acknowledge your feelings of me and I was too arrogant to see-"

"Jin. It's okay. I forgive you." I wiped oozing snot from my nose and onto his shirt.

"Gross!" He exclaimed, but did not punch me like he always did. He hugged me again and lifted me slightly. Spinning until I was laughing my head off. He placed me down, but I clung onto hm until the world stopped spinning

"Why did you come here?"

"I couldn't let them take you away, besides, I am the one who supposed to protect you for life. ___, I love you. Please come back with me,"

"Jin, I ca-"

Suddenly, I heard the click of multiple guns and a "FREEZE!" The public began to panic and scurried far away from where Jin and I stood. About 20 people aimed their guns at us, all looking evil and mean. My eyes were scanning the crowd until they landed on Sehun.

"Sehun, you don't understand-"

"Step away from ______," Sehun called to Jin.

At first Jin didn't comply but when the gun was shot he quickly brought his hands up and leaped away from me. I gave him an apologetic look, but he smiled at me, before putting on his poker face and glaring at Sehun.

"I'll give you a warning, peasant." Sehun strided towards me and harshly placed his arm onto my waste. "Next time you mess with my _____, you're dead.

"She's not yours." Jin spat. Sehun just scoffed before dragging me with him.

He roughly pushed me into his limousine and sat beside me. I gathered my guts to speak up.

"Sehun, I-"

"If it's about that boy, then NO. You belong to me and only me. What you did back there was unaccpetable. Leaving your NEW future husband like that? Would you he die of something unspeakable?"

"No, but-"

He gripped my wrist and tightened his hold on me.

"I love you,_____ and I would do ANYTHING to get you. You're mine."

I kept quiet for a moment, before speaking up again.

"Can we go visit your brother? If I am going to marry you, I have to confirm Chanyeol's condition." I cringed when I mentioned marriage to Sehun, but that seemed to soften him slightly.

"Well, if you are going to marry me." He drawls before leaning in and nuzzling his head into my neck, mimicking the way Chanyeol used to. I used all my willpower not to back away. After getting a taste of the real Sehun I knew better not to aggravate him.

"_____?" He murmured very quietly.

"Yes...?" I quivered.

"Do you know who killed my poor forsaken brother?"

I was suspecting it. "He wasn't foresake-"

"It was me."

A/N: Hehe well then. Crazy Sehun and poor Jin. It was kinda obvious who did it. Aiya I'm not good at writing these kind of things. :)

Room Enough For Two! ||Yandere Sehun x Possessive Jin x Reader||Where stories live. Discover now