Wedding Day

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3 weeks later.

"The time has come." Sehun walked around the bed to stand in front of me. I ignored his gaze and looked down. My mind was definitely not in this room. It wandered far...wandering about Jin. "Look at me when I am talking to you." He grabbed my chin and forced my eyes to look to him. I got lost into his lustful, insane eyes. I cringed before snarling at him.

"Even if you're marrying me, that doesn't mean I will say yes." My words themselves felt like poison.

"I may not have your heart, but I do have your family." My eyes gave him a threatening, scary look, daring him to go further. He accepted. "I have them right in my hand." He took out his phone from a pocket and dangled it in front of my face.

"What's that?" I sneered at him.

"Let's say its some insurance just in case things don't go my way." Sehun smirked before placing the phone into a safe near the bed. "I'll make sure your family will suffer the same way you  will make me if you say no." I made an attempt to peak at the combo, but he chuckled before locking the safe's door.

"You sick b*stard."

Sehun prowled towards me before placing his hand on my leg, I yelled in pain as he began to increase pressure on my leg, where the surgery took place to remove the bullet. He gave me a smile, showing his perfect porcelain teeth before jumping onto the me and pinning both my arms. Tears began to build up and he was amused with my reaction. He smirked and leaned close.

"You're mine. Forever." He got up and then we heard a knock on the door.

"It's time to go." I breathed a sigh of relief. I didn't want things to continue.

"Well, let's go make it official." He growled and licked his lips. I was still unfazed, my hatred for this man building up as I limped towards the door ahead of him.

Jin, please come and save me. <-- Reference!


The dress I wore was stunningly beautiful. Long white with white translucent silk outlining the edges. I wore a flower crown on my head and long silk gloves. My face was hiding behind a  silk covering and I was grateful. I definitely did not want to see a victorious Sehun smirking down at me.

I contemplated making a run for the church doors, but four guard surrounded me. I had nowhere to go.

The wedding bells rang along with the generic cheesy wedding song . At the front of the altar, Sehun was beaming at me, secretly hiding his malicious personality. I glared at him back, imagining daggers piercing his eyes. The chapel was quite, Sehun did want to make this a private wedding, but I didn't know why.

Because my father did not come with me to Korea, a body guard had to walk me down. However it felt oddly familiar when I gripped his arm. Could it be...

I turned to face him, staring intently into his face before my face lightened up.

"Jin...?" I whispered. The bells drowned out my voice, but he heard it loud and clear.

"Shhh..." The sunglasses on his face and ear piece blended him so well. A renewed sense of hope filled my being and I straightened my back. I walked down, linked with Jin, and oddly happy. He let me go once we reached the front and he dissapeared from my vision.

"Have you come to your senses?" Sehun smirked before grabbing my waist. I ignored him and stared straight ahead. Trying my best to keep a poker face, even if my face was hidden. The pope began the introduction, then got to the pronouncements.

"Do you, Sehun Oh take _____ to be your wife, in sickness and health (and all that, too lazy to write)...until death do you part?" The pope began.

"I do." Sehun's face was shining with victory. He gripped my waste tighter and I whimpered. It did hurt.

"Do you, _______  (l/n)_________ take Sehun to be your husband (skip) until death do you part?" I felt the arm squeeze tighter.

"" I gasped. The pope smiled.

"Lastly, are there any objections to this marriage? Please say them now or forever hold your peace." I waited for Jin. For anything to come, for someone to say no.

But there was none. My heart suddenly began to thump loudly.

Sehun smiled, an evil glint evident.

"And I now pronounce you husband and-"

"Stop!" I turn to see Jin brought to his knees by a few body guards a few meters away from us.  Jin's face was clearly visible as the glasses he wore were shattered under him.

"WHAT is this GIT doing at my wedding?!" Sehun looked at me then back at Jin. His face contorted with rage as he grabbed the gun off of a guard's hand and pointed it at Jin. "Now you die!"

Without my mind registering, I leaped between Jin and the gun, anticipating the shot...

...that never came.

"What in the name of my awesome self is this?!" I landed on my bum as I see two other body guards grabbing Sehun and shoving him to the floor. The body guards who held Jin also were pinned down by two others.

I laughed and cried with happiness that the shot never reached him. I crawled over to Jin where he was lying and held his hand.

"You saved me." He whispered before cupping my cheek, and kissing me deeply.

I sighed into the kiss before regretfully letting go. I still had a matter to deal with.

Another body entered the room, slightly limping, but other wise standing straight and proud.

"I, Chanyeol Park also object to this wedding." He looked at Sehun, who was pinned to the floor, "And I reject you too, brother Sehun."

A/N: Finally! Sorry fam that it was a short chapter.

Room Enough For Two! ||Yandere Sehun x Possessive Jin x Reader||Where stories live. Discover now