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Let's just say, in this AU, Chanyeol is Sehuns brother. :)

The walk home was different from all our usual walks. This time, I walked in front of Jin while he lagged behind. Probably still confused with my behavior at the lake.

Once we arrived at my house, I wasted no time in entering through the front gate and slamming the door behind me, not saying any goodbyes to Jin. It broke my heart when I did hear a muffled "goodbye" and "car" through the door while I was taking my shoes off.

"Honey, how was your day?" I heard father yell through the living room door. Why was he back early?

"Good." I lied. Knowing father, he wouldn't be able to tell the difference between my lie and a truth. I was too good of an actor.

Once I got through the door I gasped quietly at Father, and the guest that sat across from him.

"Good evening, _____." The man tilted his head towards me. I surveyed him up and down. He was dressed in a fine black obsidian business suit with a strange pink tie. Judging by his appearance, he appeared to be around mid 50's, with a receding hair line and many liver spots around his cheeks. He was slightly pump and reminded me of a tired Hippo. His face was weathered down with many wrinkles and his tired smile only encouraged me to giggle and grin at him.

"Nice to meet you, uh..."

"Mr. Minho."

"Right, Mr. Minho." I beamed at him and gave him a long bow.

"You're daughter is perfect for the plan that we have in mind." Mr. Minho said in awe to Father. My brows knitted in confusion. Plan?

"Excuse me, may I ask what plan this is?" I sat down next to father, instinctually trying to read my father's body language and mind.

"Dear..." He began with a solemn look. His lips began to tremble and I did not understand why. "You...will be going over to Korea." Both Mr. Minho and Father were looking at me. Gouging for a reaction.

"I thought we already established that." I retaliated. "I'm going to Korea for an Art Scholarship."

"Yes you'll be going, but not for the Internship." Mr. Minho points out. "You're staying there permanently." This time I let down my guard.

"What? That doesn't make any sense. Aren't I coming home?" I fist my hands into my lap and tears were beginning to pool. Did my father want to...?

"This is for the family's sake, _____" Father is on the verge of crying too. He gently grasped my hand, but I pull back, suddenly gaining the feeling not to trust him anymore.

"Father...what...what did you do?" I whispered. Mr. Minho clears his throat

"Your father and I have agreed to marry you with the heir of the business company Park Chanyeol. By doing this, not only will you guarantee a husband, but also a financial stability for the rest of your family. You will not have to worry about poverty or about money and a family in the future." Mr. Minho bluntly states.

My eyes go wide. First it was my best friend, Kim Seokjin and now it was my father. Now I could not trust both. I back away slowly. Both my father and vile business man slowly getting up from their positions and their couch.

"Please. Give me time to...think about it." I unsuccessful attempted a smile before dashing off towards the front door."

"_____ WAIT!" Father called. This brings my mind to the time earlier on when I ran from Jin. However, this time I knew I could trust no one. I ran past the door, not caring if I were in shoes or not. There was yelling before I was grabbed by two people. I struggled before looking up, seeing two tall dark hair men grasping me tight by the biceps. They both came out as mean and strong. Suddenly I remembered Jin yelling at me through the door about cars. Was it because he saw two black cards parked outside of the house? Were these people body guards?!

"NO! LET ME GO!" I screamed and kick. I bit down hard on one of the wrists, but at the same time feeling a prick in my neck. I turn around seeing a needle's contents oozing into my skin. I suddenly felt tired. I let go of the the wrist that I bit down and hung my head.

Out of nowhere tears begin to stream out of my eyes. I cried for the adversities that plagued my day. I cried for Jin and my father. I cried for the fate that I would soon to be condemned towards.

Suddenly I saw Jin. Hiding from behind a pillar around the corner of the block. He was in shock and frozen in his spot. I suddenly had the urge to call out to him. To say how I hated him yet how I really wanted him to rescue me.

Then everything went black.

Room Enough For Two! ||Yandere Sehun x Possessive Jin x Reader||Where stories live. Discover now