Chapter Three

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"So you're a ghoul?"

"I've said that about ten times already. Yes, I am a ghoul!" Taehyung stated obviously annoyed. I really should kill this guy, he's irritating the shit out of me.

"And your only source of food are humans? But I thought ghouls were evil spirits that feed only on the dead in graves."

"Those are only mythical creatures you'd find in storybooks or folktales, what I am is basically living proof and as you saw I wasn't the only one."

"I did notice something too, that man's eyes changed color while only one of yours did too. Why?"

"Oh, yeah..." Taehyung furrowed his brows trying to think of a short and simple way of explaining, "How do I put this? Well, there are those where they aren't completely a human nor completely a ghoul- like in between the two. They're hybrids and if I can remember are pretty rare. It's not a common sight to see a one-eyed ghoul where I lived, and here I thought that both  lived only there, I guess they made their way to Korea too."

"Woah so you're rare then? That must feel really awesome! Well, aside from having to consume humans to survive, it's like you feel superior or more special than the rest of your kind. You must be treated almost like royalty right?" Jungkook stared up at the sky as he imagined how it would be like to be treated like that, where his rarity would be handled as something heavily preserved and the common types would respect him.

Taehyung let out a sarcastic laugh and shook his head, "Far from that, actually. We're not anywhere near being seen as anything to respect. Ghouls don't like the idea of being ill-fated of being half of their kind since there are some who commit cannibalism and being half livestock whereas humans obviously despise them for simply being a ghoul; there's no acceptance on both sides."

Jungkook's vibrant imagining eventually died from the other boy's response, his brows furrowing in disappointment as he rubbed his arms, "Oh, never mind then I guess being a hybrid isn't as fun as it sounds. And you said something about 'where I lived' and 'made their way to Korea' are you not from here?"

For a while Taehyung walked in silence making Jungkook feel as if he may have triggered some dark, unwanted memories. He was about to apologize until Taehyung stopped, "Japan. I'm from Japan but I fled to Korea because..." as Taehyung began to trail off his words he decided to stop there, "forget it, I'm saying too much. You don't need to know anything unimportant."

Jungkook wanted to objectify that but stopped himself as he knew that it would only mean riling up Taehyung and possibly the worse. However there was one thought irking in his mind, "If it's okay, I have one more question: you mentioned that some ghouls commit cannibalism, have you ever eaten another ghoul?"

Showing off a disgusted expression Taehyung replied, "I've never eaten another ghoul before and I don't ever plan on doing so either. The thought of eating them is so revolting that it makes me sick to the stomach just imagining how they would taste like." The two continued walking until finally they reached an apartment complex, the location surprising Taehyung. "Hey I've seen this complex before, it's only a few blocks from where I live."

Jungkook smiled, "Now isn't that surprisingly convenient, killing two birds with one stone?" Taehyung rolled his eyes at the other boy's idiom. Isn't everything just so convenient today, I exposed myself to this KID and now I have to walk home with him. To top it off he lives near me and walks the same way as I do so now I definitely have no excuse to not escort his ass home. "You know you haven't told me your name yet. Do you mind if I ask what it is?"

"Just call me V," Taehyung decided to go with it for now.

"Uhm, V, I still have some questions. If you're fine with it, you can come into my apartment and I'll make you some coffee since it's the only thing I can give you," Jungkook offered shyly. This was probably the first time he invited anyone into his apartment on the same day they just met. Taehyung raised a brow at his offer, surely they know that they're basically inviting danger into their own house and to add on to that, they just met. Inviting a stranger into your house should be the last thing you'd think of doing. Plus, coffee isn't the only thing Jungkook could give him.

"Sure, but only for a little while. I have work tomorrow." Thus said the two headed towards Jungkook's apartment. Once they arrived Jungkook set his keys on the kitchen counter and dashed to his living room couch, flopping down and hugging the pillows tightly like his life depended on it. Taehyung followed behind and closed the door, crossing his arms in amusement at Jungkook's childish behavior.

"I'm sorry, I'm just really glad to be home safe again. I don't think I've been this grateful to be in my own apartment than tonight." Fixing the couch back into its neat state, he grabbed a towel from his bathroom and set it on the seat where the boy would sit before putting out his hand gesturing Taehyung to sit down. Jungkook then headed to the kitchen to start making the coffee, setting two mugs down and getting out all of the supplies needed. After everything was settled, he strided back to the living room, handed Taehyung his mug, and sat down on the chair to the side of the couch.

"So, what else do you need to know?" Taehyung asked as he took a sip of his coffee. Jungkook looked around and clutched his mug tightly, obviously embarrassed and nervous to ask his question, "Uhm, you said that a ghoul's kagune is their weapon right? The man's kagune looked like a hammer while yours looked like tentacles- not that there's anything weird about that! What I'm trying to say is are there other kinds of kagune? I saw his come out of his arm while yours came out of your waist."

Taehyung chuckled, "You really like kagunes, don't you? You do know that they can kill you quickly if the ghoul can't manage to kill you themselves. But yes, there are others out there and they spring from four different sections, one on the shoulder blades, one below the shoulder blades, one on the back waist- mine, and one on the tailbone area."

Jungkook listened to Taehyung's explanation in deep awe. He didn't notice how much time had passed until he collected their empty mugs and glanced at the time on his kitchen clock. "Hey it's pretty late, you should head home right now since you said you had work tomorrow." Taehyung looked at the time on his phone and cursed to himself.

"Are you kidding me?," he grabbed his things and strides towards the door. "Thanks for the coffee, Jungkook, I guess I'll be seeing you later for a while."

Before Taehyung headed out the door Jungkook grabbed his wrist and squeezed it lightly, "Wait, I didn't get to thank you for saving me from that ghoul. Also, I didn't get to thank you for sparing my life too, I've never been in this kind of situation before so I don't quite know exactly what to say or what to expect. Just know that I'm really grateful, V, even though I know the position I'm in." With that he had bid him goodnight and closed the door. On the other side of Taehyung stood for a while still trying to comprehend what just happened as well as how he should react. On one side he feels as if the choice he made was wrong and he'd soon come to regret it while the other was a little thankful that he met Jungkook aside from how weird the boy is.

"'I don't quite know exactly what to say or what to expect'".

I don't quite know either.


I apologize for not posting on Friday, apart from being terribly exhausted once school ended I came home late after having immediately gone out after. Sorry guys! ^^' 

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