Chapter Two

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After having exited the subway station near his street, Taehyung headed towards the alleys in his area to wait for any strangers with the misfortune of walking alone late at night, this month he was to hunt near home but not too much to where the location would be too close to his apartment. Upon walking for a few minutes a sudden scream caught him off guard causing his instincts to perk up. Running to the source of the scream, Taehyung found himself in an alley facing what seemed to be a young boy looking to still be in his college years and...a ghoul? There's no way this man could be a ghoul, they shouldn't have made it here, at least, Taehyung thought. However, something about that boy gave him a feeling of familiarity or almost nostalgia.

No, there's no way he's still alive. He was lying there dead with the others, wasn't he? Wasn't he?

Taehyung could only mutter a faint "stop" which caused the man to turn around, his eyes bearing the same black corneas and bloodshot red irises.

"Oh, another one? It must be luck to have two cattle to feast on. You've made a bad decision, my friend" the man began towards Taehyung, licking his lips as his own kagune ripped out from under his shoulder blade, blotches of blue building into the shape of a hammer.

On first sight of the man's eyes Taehyung's own kagune had begun to breach his skin, one of his eyes slowly becoming overcast with black and red. Ignoring the four tears of pain from his waist, he lunged toward the man, seething in rage and with only one thought in mind: kill him. Soon his vision was filled with waves of blue and red, each color overlapping the other as blood transfixed both the flying blue shards of kagune and his own. By the end, the man in disbelief could only choke out "one-eyed ghoul" before having finally laid dead on the ground.

Smiling, Taehyung finally looked up panting at the boy only to see him staring in horror at the scene in front of him. The boy began to back away until his back had hit the wall of the alley, the moonlight from above defining his appearance. Taehyung continued to follow him occasionally asking why he doesn't remember him- his friend, then stopped once he was able to see clearly what the boy looked like. Upon taking closer inspection, Taehyung moved his head around, his face almost inches away from the other's, "Wait, you're not him. Who are you?" he demanded.

"Please don't kill me, I don't know who you're talking about, but please don't-"

"I said who are you?"

"Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. I'm sorry, please just let me go."

Taehyung growled before going to a nearby pile of debris and kicking it, resulting in Jungkook letting out a yelp and covering his head with his arms. He turned and faced the other, grabbing the other boy's shirt collar and pressing him harder against the wall, his kagune still flowing behind. "Fine, then I guess this is convenient. I won't have to worry about eating for the next month if I kill you here right now."

"H-huh? Wait, what do you mean 'eating'? Do you mean eating me? But aren't you-what are you?" Jungkook stammered, gazing at Taehyung's kagune as he mouthed "what are you" a faint glimmer of curiosity and awe in his eyes. The other boy took notice of this and tightened his grip on the shirt collar, causing Jungkook to let out a gasp and face him again.

"I'm guessing you didn't hear the man's words before he died. It doesn't matter what I am now, I can't risk being exposed so therefore you're going to die."

"Don't kill me! Listen, I don't know what you are, but whatever it is I promise not to tell anyone. I swear on my life I won't say a word and forget everything, just let me go!"

"And why should I trust you? A stranger who I had mistaken for a friend and in a blind fit of rage had decided to save them only to find out that I was wrong! Clearly just getting rid of you now outweighs the risk of being sought out all because I let you go."

"Hey it isn't my fault that I look like your friend! And even if I did say something, they'd think I'm crazy, right? Who would believe me?"

"I guarantee they won't call you a lunatic, and I'm pretty sure you'll just rile up a lot of unwanted chaos. You know what, I'm already saying too much, stop talking already!"

"Wait, wait! Just answer me this: What are those things?" Jungkook pointed to the swirls behind Taehyung's back.

"Why do you care what they are? You're literally about to die, you should be beyond terrified right now!"

"I am! It's just that they look so, I don't know how to put it...interesting. Like something you'd see in a manga or comic book."

Is this guy being serious? He's in the face of death and that's all he cares about? This Jungkook guy, he has to be a joke. I don't know why I'm not killing him right here right now, but there's just something that's not letting me. What is it? Taehyung thought to himself. Even though it felt like a million thoughts running through his head, he could only ask, "Are you serious?"

Jungkook looked about ready to defend himself but backed down once he remembered the position he was in. "You're right, I bet you're getting a kick from what I asked. Why doesn't anybody take me seriously?"

Taehyung started chuckling at Jungkook's remark then began to laugh even more all the while the other boy groaning in both frustration and annoyance. "You're really weird, you know that? To ask something so least expectant in a situation where you're seriously about to die, it reminds me of something he'd do." Collecting himself, Taehyung leaned against the wall to the left of where Jungkook stood, appearing to be thinking deeply and casually glancing towards him for a few times. After what felt like forever according to Jungkook, Taehyung finally stood straight and faced him dead in the eyes, "I'll let you go on one condition: For one you absolutely cannot tell anyone about who I am or what you saw. If you do, then I won't hesitate to kill you. Another is to expect to be seeing me from time to time, I still don't trust you and I'm not going to risk anything. Got it?"

Jungkook stared wide at this statement, "Really? Hang on, the first I can understand, but the second, are you basically telling me that you're going to protect me?"

Taehyung gawked at this answer, "Protect? Who said anything about protecting you? I only meant to make sure that you don't head off to the police or anywhere where you can turn me in."

"No I'm pretty sure you mean protect," Jungkook thought to himself for a while before continuing, "and I don't have a problem with that, I think."

"I told you I'm not going to protect you, that's your job."

"How can I defend myself when I don't have what you have? If you think about it, there are those things most likely lurking around here and you're going to be keeping an eye on me and my actions, you might as well protect me while you're at it!" Jungkook had a great idea in his head but refused to reveal what it was, this Taehyung could easily tell.

Scratch everything this boy is annoying. "You know what, whatever I'm going to stop wasting my time. I'm going to tag along for a while so just keep walking to wherever you were trying to earlier."

"So you're basically going to follow me home, yeah I don't think that's going to happen," Jungkook stood to begin walking but stopped in front of Taehyung, "unless if you give me a full and honest explanation of exactly what you are and what all of this is."

Biting his lip, Taehyung huffed before heading out himself, "We're going to have a long discussion then."

Damn, I feel as if I made a deal with a child.

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