Chapter Nine

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I need to eat. I need to eat. I need to eat. Taehyung’s mind began pounding at the thought of sinking his teeth into flesh, feeling the oozy matter slide down his throat knowing that both his energy and life source were being restored. He wanted to feel it again, no, he needed to feel it again. The only problem was when there would be the perfect opportunity, when he could get close enough to just get a bite to replenish himself. He had to wait until they would strike him again, for that was the only time that their body parts were within biting reach. It shouldn’t take long until they come back for more, he thought. And he was right, for after a few more moments of arguing the three men came back, their grins having still been plastered to their faces.

“We’re on a tight schedule, but don’t think for a second that we’ll up and kill you now because of it; we still have a fine amount of minutes left to spare” one of the men said, reaching out his hand to grasp a fistful of Taehyung’s hair.

Taehyung waited until the perfect chance to quickly shoot his head up and bite as hard as he could, getting as much flesh from the man’s arm as possible. The man let out a loud yell as he fell backwards clutching onto his arm, his now black eyes widening in surprise and pain. One of the men alerted by the sudden offense stepped up and somersaulted Taehyung, knocking him down on his side.


In an instant, Taehyung could feel his blood and muscles beginning to pump wildly, a feeling seeming as if nostalgic coursing through his body. He could feel a thrashing pain radiating from his wrists until finally he heard the snap of metal wires, indicating that his hands were no longer bound.

“Shit, he’s up! Hurry up and kill him before he’s able to get to any of u-“  the man was cut off as bloody wires were thrown at him. Before he knew it, arms had trapped him in a stronghold and a throbbing pain had pulsated from between their shoulder and neck. It wasn’t too long until his neck was then snapped leaving the now lifeless body to drop effortlessly on the floor as if it were of no worth. Taehyung wiped his mouth, spitting out some of the man’s blood in disgust and instigation to show that he meant only ill-will.

Here those bastards come.

Taehyung stood for a few seconds trying to decide which subordinate he should isolate first before saying fuck it and dashed towards the one farthest from him, catching the other by surprise. He was able to lay a punch on the ghoul but was instantly knocked to the side by what felt like a wall of red strike his head. Feeling a heavy weight pin him onto the ground, Taehyung tried to regain his footing, prying off the fingers threatening to latch around his neck and squeeze like their lives depended on it. He was able to find a slight crack in tension and used it as an opportunity to throw the other’s hands away from his neck and grab a fistful of their hair, head butting them as hard as he could so they could fall over. Taehyung attempted to stand but had his leg viciously grabbed, looking over his shoulder to see the ghoul growling up at him obviously showing that they would not be letting go anytime soon. At this he tried prying his leg from their grip, having to kick their face a few times in order for it to loosen. He was successful as the other curled in, shielding his face and cradling his now broken nose. However this freedom didn’t last for a spear of violet had sprung through his stomach, causing him to collapse to the ground tightly clutching the area. A kick to his back had sent the boy colliding with the floor and blood spitting out of his mouth. He looked up to see a large, heaving body looming over his figure, violet scales swirling around their sides. The figure grabbed a fistful of Taehyung’s hair and yanked him up so that they were face-to-face.

“I think you’ve had enough fun with my subordinates, punk,” the man squeezed the wound on Taehyung’s stomach, emitting a scream from the other, “it’s about time you lay down and die like you should’ve done in the first place!” he let go of the boy’s hair and kicked him, watching as he laid face first on the ground.

Taehyung couldn’t talk, let alone face the other ghoul from the amount of pain coursing through his entire body from where his wound settled. He forced himself to look towards Jungkook, his heart shattering at the sight of the boy frantically screaming at him but also relieved to know that he hadn’t had a hand lain on him. This relief was short-lived once Taehyung heard a gruff voice break the trance.

“I think I need a snack, after having wasted my energy dealing with you I’m beat,” he looked down at Taehyung then glanced over his shoulder at a struggling Jungkook, “good thing it’s not too far from me.” At this Taehyung’s eyes went wide. He tried getting up but was ultimately unsuccessful as the wound kept him grounded.

Stop. Stop. Don’t you dare touch him you son of bitch. Fuck, get up! Get up you idiot! Jungkook’s in danger and you’re just laying here helplessly on the ground like roadkill! Stop sulking and protect him! That’s what you guys promised, wasn’t it? You can’t back down now. You said you don’t want to lose anyone close to you anymore, right? Then get the hell up.

With the thought in mind, Taehyung slowly forced himself to rise, trying his all to disregard the burden that was holding him down. Slouching, he slowly began making his way toward the ghoul, coming close to collapsing but eventually regaining his footing. The man watched in amusement at the weak display that was Taehyung, smiling. “Oh? Is that why you got up? The thought of eating- even if they’re your friend, aroused you? Well, it’s to be expected from a ghoul after having been deprived and on the verge of dying to want to sink their teeth into anything that will keep them alive regardless of what or who it is”.

“G-get away…from Jungkook, you…s-son of a bitch,” Taehyung was barely able to spit out. He gritted his teeth as he felt a familiar pain radiate from his waist, almost like whatever was inside was trying to tear its way out. His scarcely audible words earned him a chuckle from the latter.

“Or what? It’s not like there’s anything you can do in the state you’re in. If anything be thankful for me for sparing you this far and favoring my appetite over your life! You can’t meet any other ghoul this merciful, especially in the sick world we live in. You of all should know that by now,” he turned his back and began towards Jungkook, obviously taking his time drinking in the seemingly hopeless and despairing atmosphere of the two. Looking the boy up and down he licked his lips imagining the feeling of teeth sinking into tender flesh.

Meanwhile Jungkook started backing away frantically until he felt his back hit the corner wall of the warehouse. Under the window, moonlight had defined the young boy’s facial features: tear stained cheeks, bloodshot eyes from crying, and a cut with dried blood below his left eye from having been knocked unconscious. The sight felt like ecstasy and excited the ghoul even more.

“I’m looking forward to this."


The man looked back and glared at Taehyung who was now wiping new blood off of his face, below him laid one of the corpses of his subordinates with chunks of flesh missing from consumption. He contained a growl within his throat as he turned his back to Jungkook, facing Taehyung once again. “Trying to be slick, huh? While I’m here about to eat your friend, you’re feeding off of my men. No matter though, they’re dead anyways.” He posed, ready to face the recovering ghoul, “Well I guess this means round two then?”

He didn’t need an answer as Taehyung had already began charging towards him, swirls of red scales soon filling his vision.

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