Chapter Seven

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Jungkook slowly woke up to the sound of water running and a faint humming radiating from where his bathroom was. He must be awake. After a few minutes of trying to go back to sleep but leading to no avail, Jungkook decided to just get up to make himself breakfast and prepare another cup of coffee for Taehyung. Folding the sheets and fixing the couch, Jungkook put away the extra covers and turned on the kettle. He opened his refrigerator and took out his leftover food to reheat in the microwave. By the time Jungkook had finished making the coffee and had taken a couple bites of his food, Taehyung stepped out of the bathroom wearing yesterday's clothes with the exception of a certain someone's underwear (as Jungkook could tell from Taehyung holding a small plastic bag with his own underwear in it). "Morning, V. Sleep well?"

"Jungkook what are you doing up this early? Doesn't your work start at three?"

"It does, but thanks to your showering and humming I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. Honestly you didn't sound bad, you sounded pretty nice. That's why," Jungkook handed Taehyung the coffee, "I went out of my way to brew you some coffee before you go. Drink up."

"Sorry Jungkook, I have to go. It's already almost six thirty and I have to be there by seven, I don't want to be late again."

"Okay then, I guess it's fine," he gave a little pouty face to Taehyung which made him groan.

"Alright I'll drink it, so stop looking at me like that. It's creeping me out." Taehyung not taking heed of how hot the coffee still was tipped the mug to take a big sip and almost spit the liquid out. "Ow, fuck, my tongue!" he shifted to the sink and splashed his tongue with cold water.

Jungkook on the other hand was bent down wheezing over the counter from laughing too hard at Taehyung's display of suffering. "Haha, I-I c-can't! Oh god V-V how did you not notice how hot the coffee was? Did you not see the steam that was obviously still there?" He took a few deep breaths before straightening back up, patting Taehyung on the back reassuringly. "You tried, at least give yourself some credit."

"Don't say anything! Anyways I'm leaving, thanks for letting me stay over and borrowing your clothes, sorry if I may have stretched some of them out," he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand looking down, "also, um, how do I say this, thank you for trusting me. I didn't think I'd be hearing that from you, a human." Saying this Taehyung quickly turned to leave, "Well I guess I'll be seeing you at the subway station then." Taehyung then closed the door, the sound of his footsteps echoing through the hallways until finally they died down.

"Yeah, see you then."

Taehyung unravelled his earphones and plugged them in, muting the world around him and being able to think about what he had just said. Was it bad that Jungkook trusted him? What if one day it so happened that he couldn't protect him and he'd end up being eaten alive by another ghoul? Moreover he hated the thought of the younger boy to be eaten by another ghoul, they're foul and savage and compared to him are way more messy when cleaning up. If anyone should eat him, if it ever came to it, it should be me. He noticed his head beginning to cloud with worry and decided to stop it at the thought. Already he's been nothing but filled with worry and suspicion so he concluded that it was about time to just relax. Thus said he turned his music louder and presumed the walk to work.


Now that I think about it, I didn't get anything for Jungkook for passing his exams, but it's also not necessary, right? Taehyung wondered as he closed the manga book he finished reading. He checked the time and saw that Jungkook would be arriving around eight minutes later so he decided to quickly run to the nearest convenience store to get him a Samanco ice cream sandwich. If I can recall, he did say that he's been wanting to try these for a while now but never got around to actually get them. Arriving at the store, Taehyung walked towards the freezer and picked a pack out, studying the wrapper and the picture of the sandwich. He tried picturing himself eating it but immediately felt sick and shut the imagination down, not wanting to picture it again. Yet, he wanted to know why Jungkook wanted so to taste them, was it because of the red bean and vanilla or the fish shape that caught his interest? In the end Taehyung had bought the sandwich and began to head back, hoping that it wouldn't melt by the time Jungkook arrived. He returned to the stairs fortunately at the approximate time that Jungkook would be walking down the stairs to greet him. However he couldn't find the boy anywhere, neither descending down the stairs nor walking out of the entryway. Taehyung tried calling his cell but would automatically be sent to voicemail so he couldn't contact him that way. With no other option left he stuck with waiting until Jungkook would meet him at the spot, assuming that either he was working late or had a delay.

Taehyung checked the time on his phone again and read that it was already thirty minutes past the time that Jungkook was supposed to meet him. He had already sent a voicemail asking why he was late and if it was because there was a delay but never got a call back, thus causing him to begin to lose his cool. Instantly, hundreds of scenarios began popping up in his head about what may have happened: He could've gotten robbed- possibly killed after that, he could've gotten in a hit-and-run and may or may have not been taken to the hospital, he could've been pulled aside and shanked there, or worse, he could've been attacked and possibly devoured by another ghoul. In a split second Taehyung shot up and began sprinting out of the subway station, the amount of people in a small space not helping the anxiety that was slowly taking over his body. Once he got outside, Taehyung retreated to a small secluded area near the entrance and crouched down on the pavement, his hands clutching to the sides of his head as he breathed slowly and deeply trying to calm himself down. Please don't tell me anything bad happened to him. Please, please, please tell me Jungkook's just running late or that his train had a delay. He only just said that he trusted me and knows that I would be right there to protect him. If something happened then I know he's instantly going to think I'm some traitor or feel regret for saying that. I can't lose him, I don't want to lose any more people that mean something to me. I know, I'll just go to his work to see if he's the-

He was suddenly cut off as a blunt object struck his head and his arms being bound in barbed wire, leaving the ice cream sandwich on the pavement to eventually melt. 

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