Chapter Five

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A week had passed since his strange confrontation with the three members, he hadn't gotten around in telling Jungkook about it as he would be in panic for days on end more than anything, and he didn't think of saying anything any time soon. As much as it was bothering him, Taehyung tried his best to keep it out of mind so as to not rile any suspicion.

"Ready to go?" Jungkook ran down the stairs to where Taehyung sat with one of his earbuds in, almost tripping on the way down. He was in a happier mood than usual, this Taehyung immediately took notice of.

"What's with the hyped attitude? Something happen?"

"I passed my exams! All that hard work finally paid off, now I can relax for a while. It's about time!" he grabbed Taehyung's hands and jumped, excitement and sheer happiness flowing through his voice.

"Exams? You never said anything about having exams!"

"I haven't? My bad. Well, I took them back in August and was waiting since then to get my results which had come in today."

"Congratulations, then, that's one worry less for you."

"We need to celebrate, like, right now. The convenience store should still be open at this time. Come on V! I'll be paying anyways!" This said, Jungkook lead Taehyung out of the subway station and to the convenience store. After making his purchase, they left for his apartment arms full of food and drinks.

"You know I can't eat these, right?"

"I know, I'm just restocking my fridge. I haven't really gotten around to buying more food since I've been busy with work and school. However I did make sure to buy some coffee for you. It was the best one they had there."

"You mean the one that costed almost ten dollars? Are you crazy? You shouldn't have done that!"

"Oh shut up, it's my celebration and you're just going to have to deal with it, V."


It was 12:45am by the time the two arrived at Jungkook's apartment. With food and drinks as well as a tumblr of coffee all set on the coffee table, the two sat on the couch surfing channels on the TV engaging in a rather vigorous conversation.

"I think you're becoming too obsessed with the concept of kagunes, Jungkook, I'm seriously concerned for your mental state," said Taehyung trying to refrain from spilling his coffee from laughing too much.

"Just because I've been drawing different characters with them doesn't mean I'm obsessed! I'm just inspired is all" replied Jungkook in an attempt to defend himself all the while waving around the pair of chopsticks he's been using to eat his noodles. Eventually the two got bored of channel surfing and decided to stick with the news for the time being, realizing the food and drinks on the table were getting cold. Taehyung after finishing his coffee got up to rinse the tumblr and was midway to the kitchen when a news reporter had announced what was important news.

"There has been a warning issued to residents and citizens of the west district of Seoul as well as the whole of South Korea . Could it really be true that ghouls have finally made it here from Japan to the streets of our cities?"

Upon hearing these words from the TV Taehyung froze and dropped his tumblr, small droplets of coffee spilling onto the floor. He slowly turned to Jungkook who was leaning toward him with his arm outstretched asking him if he was alright.

"V, are you okay?"

Clenching his fists Taehyung stroded over to Jungkook and pinned him down on the couch, his hands scrunching the collar of his shirt.

"Oh come on V not this agai-" Taehyung tightened his grip on Jungkook's shirt collar, causing the boy below to choke out a cough.

"Shut up! Why did the reporter mention ghouls? Was this your doing? Answer me!"

"No it wasn't me! I don't know why or how they know about them but I swear to you, V, I'm telling the truth!" Jungkook stared up, his doe eyes wide in both fear and confusion at Taehyung's sudden violent behavior.

"Have you forgotten about the deal we made- how I would let you live if you didn't say a word? How can I believe what you're saying is the truth?"

"Because I know what would happen to me and you if I did, that's why I didn't say anything! Why would I when I know that I would die after? Like I said, it wan't me who said that there were ghouls roaming the streets here!" Thus said, Taehyung raised one of his hands into a fist but soon let it fall, looking down at Jungkook had covered his face with his arms. He lifted himself off and slumped on the seat cushion, burying his face with his hands. As they sat in silence with Jungkook looking over at Taehyung wanting to say something but also not wanting to spark anything, the news reporter continued.

"Recently two bodies have been found mutilated in an alleyway in the outskirts of the west district of Seoul. In the autopsy of the bodies, forensics have noticed a difference in blood cells to the average human's and compared them to certain cases found in Japan. Through intense research and investigation it has been hypothesized that ghouls found in Japan had somehow in some manner managed to sneak their way into Korean borders and settled in Seoul. No actions have been made yet concerning the presence of ghouls but a general warning has been issued especially to the population of the area to take extra caution in walking the streets at night and encouragement of staying indoors as much as possible."

"Huh? Wait, there were two ghouls found near here? Who killed them?" Jungkook turned his head to face Taehyung for an answer and noticed his eyes dilate, an expression of surprise that could only mean the worse. "Taehyung, don't tell me it was you," he cautiously placed his hand on his shoulder which caused the other boy to flinch. Jungkook could already tell by the silence that it was indeed Taehyung, and he couldn't decide whether to get mad or to comfort him given that the two could sprawl a different reaction.

"I shouldn't have killed them to begin with" was all he could say. Jungkook having already been instigated from the millions of thoughts running through his head had finally decided to confront Taehyung.

"I have a feeling you're hiding something from me, I can tell from your face that it's obvious you know what this is."

"Jungkook, please, not now. I need time to calm down."

"No, stop it V, don't try to avoid telling me. I want to know exactly what is happening- everything that is happening."

"Okay just let me breathe for a second!" and with that Taehyung shifted to where he would be facing Jungkook and prepared himself for a long session of explaining. 

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