Chapter Eight

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Wha-? Where am I? Ugh, I feel like my head is slowly splitting open. Everything is black, no, I just need some time to adjust. Really though, what happened? Taehyung's eyes adjusted to the light above, having to squint from the sudden brightness as his previous vision had been nothing but a black void. Once his vision was clear he observed his surroundings, noticing that he wasn't at the secluded area from earlier but rather in a warehouse. He tried pulling his arms up but saw that they were still bound by barbed wire, the metal spikes causing him to wince from the slight pain. Taehyung kept trying to find a way to somehow loosen the grip of the wires until he heard a faint groan coming from a corner of the warehouse.

"Huh? Who's there?" Taehyung looked towards the source of the groan and noticed a figure slumped below a window. He waited for an answer before asking again, "I said who's there? Answer me!"


"V?" No, don't tell me. Taehyung's eyes went wide with surprise and horror at the familiar voice. "Jungkook, is that you?"

"Oh thank god, V it's you! Ah, but you're tied up, so I'm not the only one."

"Hang on Jungkook, let me try to loosen up these wires then I'll untie you. Gah, these spikes are seriously irritating me."

"Wire? Spikes? Are they barbed wire- V stop it! You're only hurting yourself!" Jungkook tried moving closer to him but was pulled back by the ropes holding him down.

"No this is nothing, don't worry about me. Give me a second I should be able to get through these-"

"I said stop it! You're only going to exhaust yourself even more if you keep trying to unbind them!"

"Jungkook leave me alone I swear I'll get out of these eventu-" he was cut off by the sound of a metal door opening and closing followed by the sound of footsteps enter the warehouse. He averted his eyes to the footsteps, counting the number of figures approaching him.

"So he finally finds himself bound by the last people he'd want to be caught by, such a shame." One of the figures said followed by a grave laugh.

"Hey, hey, now that he can't move, should we have some fun with him?" the second figure inquired.

"I say we should just get it over with and kill him to make sure he doesn't get out, better safe than sorry. Plus we've already lost half of our men, we don't need to lose more." replied the last.

Gradually, Taehyung could feel his blood begin to bubble as his body began to heat up. While the figures were talking amongst each other occasionally turning to give a death glare at him, clearly showing that they would like nothing more than to bludgeon him into oblivion. Soon enough the figures had come to an agreement and surrounded him, flashing wide smiles that could only mean something incredibly malicious which made his stomach churn.


Taehyung bit his torn lip to try and restrain his screams but found himself failing to do so. His wrists having had the barbed wires tightened dug into his skin, creating small creeks of blood running down to where they became droplets on the floor. Meanwhile he could scarcely make out Jungkook screaming for the three to stop and get away, the deafening ringing in his ears and persistent headache that meant his being on the brink of passing out. The three stepped back and observed their work, marveling in satisfaction at the bruised and bloody mess that lay before them.

"We should get done soon, who knows how long until the cops find out we broke into the warehouse."

"I don't think so, this bastard's barely felt the first of it."

"I'm serious, they could come in at any time. Let's go."

"I think so too, I'm not risking getting found out by the cops and having my ass trailed for miles in the city."

"If you don't want to then leave, whether or not I get arrested doesn't matter to me I just want this guy to get what he deserves. Don't you want him to suffer because he killed our members? Isn't that what we all agreed to do?"

"...Fine. But try not to take your time, we need to be able to get done and get out quickly."

I need to get loose...I need to get to Jungkook, but I can't move. I have no energy left in my body and these guys don't look like they're going to clip these wires anytime soon unless I'm dead. What should I do- no, what CAN I do? ...Nothing. Taehyung's head remained drooped, having no energy left to lift it up. His body having already endured enough pain had slumped, looking as if it were begging to be shut down as soon as possible. Why aren't they coming out? I was more than ready but they didn't break through. Wait, I know. When was the last time I ate? I can't remember. At this thought, Taehyung could only think of the one, sick option he had left: I need to eat, even if it means devouring them.

I don't want Jungkook to witness me though. If he does then he'll definitely think that, coming down to the basics, I am truly nothing but a monster.


First off I want to sincerely apologize for having not updated in a long time. Apart from midterms and teachers filling us students with cram work to squeeze into the grade book, I also got a new laptop and had to transfer the story from the one I previously used to my new one. However that is mainly my fault for having not gotten around doing so, sorry!

Now that I'm back, maybe I should publish twice a week instead of once in the means of finishing this Vkook fanfiction because I'm pretty sure I'm already past due date. ^^'

For those who have been waiting patiently for the next update, I want to thank you for your patience. Again I apologize for the horrible delay.

~ OnePoisonedBite

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