Chapter Six

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"They attacked you, so it's only natural that you would attack back in self-defense. Why are you getting so worked up about that?"

"It's not that, I'm worked up because one of them said that they're a part of a gang and that I killed one of their members so that's why they were attacking me. To make the situation even worse, I killed two more of them so that's three dead. If you think about it, isn't three more than enough for the gang to go after you?" Taehyung bit his lip in frustration at the thought of having to fight the whole gang on his own, knowing that he wouldn't stand a chance being outnumbered. "Why am I such an idiot? I don't know why you're not mad at me, if anything I expected you to be screaming at me saying how dumb I was to fight instead of try to lose them and because of that now the whole of Korea most likely knows that there are ghouls in the country," absentmindedly Taehyung began to talk faster, "Jungkook you know who the culprit is that killed them and even better that I'm a literal threat to this area so you should also be turning me in."

"V if you keep talking then you're basically going to sound like an idiot. Listen to me, you're going to be okay. No one is going to know who killed them and no one is going to know that you're a ghoul too, okay? We made a deal that I wouldn't tell a soul and there's no way I'm going against that, and you're not going against your part either. And hey, if you think about it, it was a good thing they're dead because they could've attacked me or anyone else."

"But don't you feel any sort of regret about agreeing off the bat? That even now you still feel terrified of the fact that I can kill you anytime I wanted?"

"Listen to yourself, V, you're rambling. I'm going to tell you this once: I don't feel any regret and I'm not scared, not anymore at least," Jungkook placed his hands on the other's shoulders, "I trust you, V. You've protected me many times to where I can walk comfortably without having that small hint of worry on my shoulders because I know you're right there to protect me. Isn't that enough?"

"I trust you, V." Those words kept replaying in Taehyung's mind, the last thing he'd expect echoing repetitively. He trusts me? Jungkook trusts me, a ghoul? Isn't that impossible? For a human to trust a ghoul? This is not right, but I can tell that he's serious of what he's saying. Jeez, this guy really is a child. After a few seconds of silence Taehyung began to lightly chuckle then eventually started laughing making Jungkook confused.

"What's so funny? Was it what I said?" he looked more offended than confused.

"No, no, it's not that," Taehyung tried to speak in between laughs, "it's just that, you really are a child!"

"H-huh? A child?" Jungkook's cheeks flushed a light red in embarrassment and he began to tackle him on the couch. Unknowingly, Taehyung felt his back hit the cushions and saw the position they were in. In retaliation he was able to catch the younger boy off guard and shift so that he had Jungkook seized on the bottom. Soon after they both started laughing.

"What I meant to say was thank you, Jungkook. Even though you're probably the weirdest person I've met- probably weirder than my friend, thank you. I'm really happy."


"Hey what time is it?" Jungkook checked his phone and saw that it was a quarter to 3am. "Damn it's really late. V, don't you have work tomorrow?"

Taehyung lifted his head for a moment before sitting up quickly and ruffling his pockets for his phone, "Yeah you're right. Shit, how did I forget? I have to wake up in three hours!" he began gathering his things, "The walk home from here is roughly thirty minutes and I still need to brush my teeth and plan my clothes which shouldn't take too long and-"

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