Chapter 11

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Steve's POV

I heard a deep scream come from the room opposite mine. I knew who it was and why they were screaming. This had been happening ever since she. He blamed himself because he kept going on the solo missions. And it was true, if they had stayed mission partners she would be here but no of us let him know that. I quickly opened his door and saw him sat upright with sweat dripping from his body. I looked at his eyes and they looked dead and cold. I took a cautious step towards him. "Buck." I whispered but he just grabbed my treat with his metal arm. It was a relapse. This had only happened a few times before and they were when he first got here. I could feel myself loosing oxygen but I managed to flip us over. I grabbed the nearest object and whacked him round the head. I felt him groan in pain but then he was out. His fingers lost their grip on my neck and I got off of him and raised him with me. I walked us both to the medical bay and saw Tony and Bruce there. After I explained what happened we cuffed him to a medical bed and waited for him to wake up.

When I woke up the next morning I saw Bucky trying to break the hand cuffs. "Bucky, calm down." I said and looked in his eyes, they were back to their normal blue colour but they looked sad or hurt. I undid the cuffs and he sat up. "I'm so sorry Steve. I don't know what happened. I lost control. I'm so sorry." He whispered and I saw the tears form. "Buck don't worry. But what happened did you have an extreme nightmare?" I asked and he nodded. "They took her. She wasn't protected because of me. They said they would only let her go if I went with them, so I did. But then I heard a gun and I turned around to see her on the floor with a bullet through her head.  Because of me. It wouldn't have happened if I didn't get her kicked off the team. Or if i didn't lie to her. Steve it was my fault." He said and let the tears fall. "Bucky it was just a bad dream. I'm sure she's fine." I said, trying to comfort him like he used to do for me. "How do you know Steve. She's not answering anything. For all we know she could have been taken. Or worse... she could have been-" He said and couldn't finish because a loud sob escaped his mouth and I pulled him in for a hug. "Bucky, I'm sure she's fine. She's probably just trying to move on." I said and then we heard Tony scream something that we've all been waiting to see.

"Maddie, you're ok!" He said to the phone, "She picked up. I got through to her." He shouted and we all ran through to the room he was in.

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