Chapter Nine

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The sound of bacon frying and the music of the ocean was a melody I could never get tired of. It was a melody I knew that most humans never considered to be music, a melody which they turned away in distaste, for me, it was heaven, two weird sounds clashing together to create such a beautiful song. I smiled as I walked quietly down the hallway running my finger-tips on the eggshell white wall as the hallway opened up to reveal the kitchen with Zack's back facing me. This is another thing I knew I could never get tired of; him.

I slid silently onto one of the bar stools watching him as he moved gracefully trying to prepare our breakfast as quickly as he can oblivious to the fact that I was watching him. Usually it would be the woman to be the one to cook, but Zack loves to cook way more than me, so I just let him. I leaned forward, resting my elbows on the counter as I crossed my bare legs.

"I know you're watching me," He said as he switched off the stove and turned around to face me with a bright smile on his face as he slipped a plate in front of me. "You're training is getting crusty Nyx."

I allowed a smile to creep up on my face. "Well, we could have a go after," I wiggled my eyebrows as I broke a toast in half and nibbled the edge. His eyes met mine as he smiled and bit into his toast. I like this, I like to see him smile. I love his smiles.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me as he took a sip of his coffee. 

"You," I said softly before turning around and looking out of the open double doors towards the ocean. I knew he probably could tell that I was lying to him, but it didn't matter, I didn't want to talk about it. "When is Bella coming over?" I asked trying to change the subject, I knew that it was probably a task for Bella to have to drive all this way from the city to see her brother every day and I hated the fact that our team was situated in different areas in and out the city, but Zack insisted that we have our time to ourselves.

"She'll be here about seven today," I heard him say as the sound of his cup being placed in the sink was heard, but even that didn't stop me from hearing the change in his tone from being playful to serious.

Pushing the last bit of the toast into my mouth, I turned around and faced him watching his broad back as he washed the wares in the sink, "I'll be out today," I told him reaching for my coffee and sipping it.

"Where will you be?" he asked me turning around and looking at me searching my face for answers. 

I knew better than to lie to him, but I did it anyways, "Shopping," I said faking a smile, "I need new panties." I watched as he shook his head as he tried to contain the smile that was creeping up on his lips. He allowed a chuckle to escape my lips as I got off the stool, "I'm going to shower."

"Want me join you?" he innocently asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"As tempting as that is," I said as I started walking back down the corridor, "I want to leave early."


I sighed as I looked up at the building in front of me with the walls covered in graffiti, everything screamed danger about this place, down to the old man sitting next to the entry way of the building smoking as his eyes searched the carpark which was vacant of cars except my own.

"Good day madam," the old man said as I passed him keeping hand on the trigger on the suppressed pistol which was hidden in my purse. I knew this place like the back of my hand but I also knew about the dangers that lurk behind every wall and in every corridor including prositution to drugs, I knew better than to come here unarmed.

I bit down on my bottom lip ignoring the clicking of my black stilettos as I hurried down the corridor lined with trash and stray dogs, releasing the pistol for a minute as I retrieved the apartment key for apartment 206 letting myself in and closing and locking the door behind me.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked the figure who stood facing the window who's heavy red drapes were pulled apart revealing the stone walls of the other building next to it.

"Are you sure you weren't being followed?" The figure asked me as they kept their back to me.

Rolling my eyes I pulled out the gun out of my purse and sat down in one of the couches which were covered in dust due to the lack of use of the apartment. I should know, it belongs to me.

"Yes," the deep voice said as they turned around revealing light brown eyes and midnight blue hair with a muscular body. He was handsome there was no doubt with a sharp jawline and lips that were uneven almost as if he was always smirking.
"A hit has been ordered on James Akins," he said throwing a file on the coffee table in front of me raising dust.

Keeping my eyes on him, I reached forward and picked up the file off the table. "It's been two years since..."

"Flame," Tomias said as he sat down at the edge of the couch in front of me keeping his eyes on me. "If I knew anyone else who could handle a situation like this, I would ask them and leave you alone."

I sighed loudly and started flipping through the file which consisted of various pictures and ended with a background check about the man which described every single detail about his life including where he stood as the Minister of Security.

"This is political," I said as I dropped back the file on the table and leaned back in the chair, "I thought I made it clear two years ago that once it was beginning to get political, I'm out."

He sighed loudly and passed his hand over his face as he stood up when I did. "Please think about it," he said as he reached towards me for a handshake which I granted him.

"Tell me," I started as I turned around and picked up my bag, "Why does this man deserve to die?"

"Because that's the front image," he told me something that I already knew, "Imagine if it was your sister he kidnapped and sold to be raped in another country."

I bit down on my bottom lip and moved towards the door. Feeling the cold knob in my hand, I sighed loudly, "See you at nine."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2017 ⏰

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