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  ***MATURE READERS Some explicit language and sexual content***

Hello all it is 8/28/14 as I am writing this, I am editing and replacing chapters  with the revised version. This chapter is the edited and revised chapter one. I will have the rest of the revised chapters up in a day or two but in one week I will be pulling all but the first five chapters of the book and the rest will be available for purchase through all major retailers. Thanks for understanding. I hope you guys enjoy the story and please let me know of any errors or if anything seems off.

Thanks EJ Logan



I'm so excited I can't even sit still. Right now I'm pacing around the airport. Why am I so excited? Well, in about thirty minutes, I will be boarding a plane headed home. I've been away at school, and now I'm finally finished. That's right I'm now the proud owner of a degree in architecture from Yale University. Don't get me wrong. I loved my time at school. I met some great people, including one of my best friends Tess. I also learned a lot, about architecture, myself and what I want out of my life, and at the top of that list is Kyle Lewis and that is why I am so ready to get home.

 We've been a couple since we were sixteen, but he's back in Cali and I miss him so damn much it hurts. It's been hard being so far away, but I would come home every break through the years. Like right now it feels like I haven't seen him in forever. When in reality it has only been four months since spring break.

I know he had a hard time with me being away. I feel like this year has been the hardest for him. It's like we've been slowly drifting apart over the last six months. We only talk every couple of days, now. We still always text goodnight and I love you, but we used to talk for hours every night.

Right now I haven't talked to him since Thursday and its Sunday. I tried to call him all day yesterday and only got his voice mail. Around midnight I received a text from him saying, "I love you, you're my everything,” Again I tried to call but he never answered. Hopefully being home will fix all of this.

We've been good friends since he moved to town when we were ten. I remember him sitting next to me on the bus, his first day of school, and as cliché and silly as it sounds, that boy had me at hello. Then on my sixteenth birthday, a group of us were playing truth or dare. When Kyle chose truth, his friend smirked and asked him "Is it true you have a crush on Ari?"

Kyle turned to me taking my hands and looking me in the eyes. "Crush? No, I think I've been in love with Ari since she let me sit next to her on the bus six long years ago," was his reply. Needless to say, we have been a couple ever since that night. Best birthday present ever.

I probably look like an idiot sitting here with a huge smile on my face, but I can't help it. I love that boy so much. He is more than my boyfriend. He is my best friend, and I can't imagine my life without him in it.

In the midst of my thoughts, my phone started to vibrate in my purse. I pulled it out and smiled when I saw Kyle's name and picture on the screen. "Hey sexy, I can't wait to see you tonight," I answered.

It was a few seconds before he replied. "Uh… hey…uh… Ari,”

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