Chapter 23 Miscommunication

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Hey so another Update. First off a huge Thanks to all of you. I love you guys so much for all the support you have given Unbreak Me. Second this is kinda a filler chapter, sorry about that but I hope you enjoy it anyways. Third I have done no editing what so ever, I haven't even reread it so if you see mistakes please let me know <3

Chapter 23


Ari's P.O.V.

The drive home went by pretty quick, but I wasn't ready to see my mom yet. Let alone explain to her why I was home. I wasn't even sure what I was going to tell her. Do I tell her the truth? That Caleb and I had a fling and I stupidly fell for him or do I make up some other story about why I'm home?

So I did something I haven’t done and that was go visit Kyle. I don't know why but it just felt like the right thing to do. It just felt so sad pulling into the cemetery, I try not to think of Kyle much but when I do I always remember all the good times we had over the years.

I wish I could of changed how things ended, If I would have only know of his disorder, I could have taken him for help. I could have fixed him, somehow, someway. I know there is no point in dwelling on what could have happened but it's hard not to sometimes.

I knew where his family plot was because I had been with him when his grandma passed years back so I drove down to that part of the cemetery, then got out and and made my way towards where I remember it being, I only remember so well because my dad is only a few stones back from his grandma.

As I can around a big oak I was surprised to see someone kneeling down in front of the stone saying Kyle's name. I went to turn around not wanting to bother them when I heard my name called “Ari, is that you?”

Turning around I came face to face with Brent. Brent Larkins, well I think it's Brent. He has his face but this isn't the scrony nerd I remember from high school. “Brent” I asked hesitantly.

Ducking his head and averting his eyes from mine he nodded his head “yeah, It's me” He said finally looking up to see my shocked expression.

I mean this guy standing in front of me could be a freaking Calvin Klein model. “I...ah... wow I barely recognized you. You look good, how are things?” I asked stopping myself from continuing to babble on. Man what has this boy been eating?

“Yeah I get that a lot when people from school see me. You though you haven’t changed a bit still the most beautiful girl in town.”

I smacked his arm laughing “Whatever Brent”

“Really Ari, you look amazing, How are you though?”

I gave him a small smile “I'm doing okay, I uh this is my first time here since, um since ya know.” I said shrugging and looking towards Kyle's headstone.

He gave me a sad smile and nod “I'm sorry Ari, for everything. To go through what you did and from someone you loved and trusted more than anyone. I 'm just so sorry.”

He must have been able to see the question in my expression because he answered my unasked question. “Um.. I know you didn't want anyone to know, but I begged my aunt to tell me everything. My mom are the only other people she has told though and we haven’t told anyone. I just wish I was here. I would have never late Kyle get into all the drugs. I would have done some...”

I interrupted before he could finish his sentence. “Brent what happen is not even close to your fault, You can't blame yourself for his choices. Believe me I have been doing it everyday, but deep down I know there is no point. We can't change the past as much as we may want to, it's just not possible. So please don't blame it on yourself.”

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