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I kept hearing voices: my mom's, Callie's and a few I didn't know, but I couldn't figure out where they were coming from. I felt like I was awake, but my eyes wouldn't open and as hard as I tried, I couldn't find a way to talk to them; My mom's and Callie's voices seemed so concerned and at times they would cry. I wanted to comfort them, to tell them everything was okay, but I just couldn't seem to find a way and I really wasn't sure it was. Memories or nightmares, I don't know, but they would consume me. Kyle, the anger on his face. He kept yelling at me and calling me a slut and then he was holding me and telling me he loved me. I didn't know what was real and what was just in my imagination.

I don't know how long this went on but one day I could smell what I think was cleaning products, and I could hear a loud beeping next to me. I slowly tried to open my eyes, and there was white, and very bright light. I found a way to turn my head, blinking away the spots the light had caused and as my vision became more regular I saw Callie watching me. "Ari, Ari you're awake. Jen she's awake," she yelled towards the door.

Seconds later the door flew open, and my mom rushed into my side. "Oh baby, my baby girl," she cried.

“Mom,” I tried to say, but my mouth was so dry it was barely audible. I moved my hand towards the water pitcher next to my bed and Callie quickly poured me a cup.

She handed it to me, saying “Drink slowly, Ari. You’ve been out for three days, you need to take it easy,” My eyes went wide at this news.

 “What happened?” I asked. Mom and Callie looked at each other, frowns on their faces.

“You don’t remember?” Callie asked.

I thought for a minute and then it all came back to me. “Kyle,” I whispered. They both just gave me sad looks.

"Oh baby I'm so sorry this happened to you, but right now you need to get some rest and not worry about anything. You're safe, and nobody can hurt you now,” My mom was crying as she said all of this. I just nodded and cried a little too. How could this have happened? How could he?

After a few minutes, the doctor walked in, smiling at me. He was a young doctor, probably no older than thirty. "It's good to see you awake, Ari," he said. He reached towards my face, and I automatically flinched away from his touch.

“Ari, he’s your doctor, he’s not going to hurt you baby, Like I said you were safe now,” I whimpered and nodded. Then I turned my head back towards the doctor.

"Ari I'm just going to check your pupils and ask you about your pain okay?" I nodded. After he was done he told us that everything looked great, and I could be out as early as tomorrow.

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