CHAPTERfive (new)

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The next morning I said goodbye to mom and hopped into my car. She wanted to come, but I told her not to. I knew she had a big sell that she was trying to get and besides Tess, Jake and Caleb would all be there. Mom and Callie are planning to visit in a couple of weeks anyways.

Before I left I sent Caleb a text to let him know, I was on my way and that I would be there in a few hours. Less than a minute later I received a reply, all it said was can't wait to finally meet you with a smiling face. Which, of course, made me smile. It was weird to think we hadn't officially met yet. Even though, we talked a little every night since that first night. They weren't always long conversations, but it was always nice to hear his voice.

Once I was on the road, I plugged my phone in and listened to my playlist the whole way there. The drive went smoothly, and I was pulling into the driveway in no time. The house was amazing it wasn't huge, but it was a beautiful ranch, in a beautiful neighborhood.

Before getting out of the car, I sent a quick text to my mom, Callie and Caleb saying I had arrived. I went to the trunk, but before it was even open Tess was running out the door and tackling me to the ground in a huge hug. "Oh, I'm so happy you're here. I've missed my girlie so much,” She said

"I've missed you too,” I told her. She looked absolutely beautiful her long blond hair was down, and she was wearing a light blue sundress that showed off her extremely long legs and sky blue eyes. Tess is tall just less than six feet with the body of a runway model.

 We were so opposite in looks. I mean I know I'm an attractive girl. I'm just not model material. I'm about 5'5" with long naturally wavy brown hair and big hazel eyes. I not overweight with all the jogging and self-defense classes, I have gotten pretty muscular. I did have curves though, lots of them. We stood back up laughing. "You look marvelous," Tess said

“Thanks. You do too. Look how long your hair has gotten, and I swear you've gotten even taller in the past few months, I said.

I was wearing a pair of white shorts with a dark green tank top and a pair of white flip flops. My hair pulled up into a high ponytail, and I was only wearing mascara as makeup went. I was going for comfort for the drive.

 Just then the door opened again, and a very attractive guy walked out. He had light brown hair and bright blue eyes. He was tall at least a couple inches taller than Tess, and I could tell he was very fit under his t-shirt. He walked towards us extending his hand to me. "You must be Ari, I'm Jake,” He said.

 I shook his hand only flinching slightly beforehand, but I could tell they both saw it. "Hi Jake. It's great to finally meet you. Tess has told me a lot about you,” I said as he released my hand.

"Hopefully nothing too bad,” He laughed and sent a wink towards Tess.

“Who me? I would never say anything bad about my love,” Tess said clutching her chest. I couldn't help but laugh at how cute they are together.

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