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It's been over a year since that night. I ended up moving into the spare room. I couldn't even look in my old bedroom let alone try and sleep there. What Kyle did to me left me so broken I know I can never be the girl I once was, but I just wish I could get a little bit of me back. I still can’t even be alone with a guy, let alone have one touch me. The only time I even get out of the house is to go shopping, jogging with my mom, work, therapy, or to my self-defense classes. I have been taking a class twice a week for the last six months. I love it, and I love all the defense skills I have learned.

I even put those skills to the test about two weeks ago. Callie practically forced me to the bar with her one night. I know she was just trying to help pull me out of my shell. Her plan backfired though. I completely freaked when a guy came up and put his hand on my arm while asking to buy me a drink. Needless to say, we left, and she hasn't asked me to go back.

I still have guilt about Kyle. I always think if I would have just done things differently none of this would have happened. I know from my therapist that I can’t blame myself for what he did, but it’s hard sometimes.

About four months ago, I finally decided to get a job. I have been working as a secretary for a small law firm, one of my mom's friend's works at. It’s great, but I'm ready to leave this little town.

Everywhere I go I see Kyle and remember the old times. People are always giving me sympathetic stares or stop to say how sorry they are for my loss and I just can't take it. We decided to keep what Kyle did to me quiet, as much as we could anyways. The police, his family and my family know, but that's about it. Kyle wasn't always the monster he was that night, and I wanted everyone to remember the Kyle I had loved for so many years not what the medical condition and drugs turned him into.

To getaway I sent my resume to a bunch of architecture firms in San Francisco. It's only about three hours from home, and my college roommate lives there so I won't be completely on my own, and with it being so close I can still see my mom and Callie as much as I want. They have been so great to me this whole time, I don't think I could have gotten through this without them.

I only sent my resumes out about a week ago, and I already have phone interviews with two different companies. The first is a smaller one that was looking for a secretary. Not my first choice, the pay is minimal, and the job description seemed pretty boring. I also didn't think it would give me the opportunity to learn or grow. The call went well, and they offered me a job on the spot, but I told them I would give them my answer by the end of the week.

The second one was a much larger firm, and the C.E.O. was looking to replace his PA. The current PA is who I talked to. She is retiring at the age of seventy. Her and her husband decided it was time to live closer to the grandkids. We talked for a while on the phone and then she setup a video interview for the next day where I would meet the C.E.O. who will hopefully be my future boss.

I was excited to find out about this job, and it felt like the next day just dragged on and on. I think that's the way it always is when you're waiting to do something. After work, I setup for my video interview in our home office. I thought the bookcase in the background would look more professional. I was still dressed from my job, so I just redid my hair and makeup.

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