Chapter 28 Wedding bells a ringing

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[***The story you are about to read is intended for mature readers due to its sexual content and language. It may not be appropriate for all audiences. Please read at your own discretion.***]

Chapter 28

(Wedding bells a ringing)

Caleb's P.O.V

I woke up feeling happier than I have in months. Though I felt like such an idiot, I had been killing myself these past couple months thinking Ari and Brent had something going on. I never would have guessed he was a gay, but damn am I happy he is.

I can't believe this amazing, strong, intelligent beautiful woman is mine. No more games, no more lies, just two people loving each other the way they always should have. Why did I have to be such an idiot for so long. I guess there is no point in dwelling over the things we can't change. We are together now and I plan to do everything in my power to keep it that way.

Getting out of bed I threw on a robe and made my way out to the kitchen. I picked up the phone, and called room service ordering breakfast. I waited out front looking through emails until the food arrived. Walking into the room it looked like Ari had just woken up. Her hair was everywhere, but she looked so damn cute I couldn't help but smile.

"Mmm why are you so happy?" she asked as she stretched her arms yawning.

"Well for starters I woke up next to the most beautiful girl in the world." I told her as I sat next to her bringing the tray of food In front of us. I couldn't help but notice her slight blush my words caused, making her look even cuter if that is even possible.

She just shook her head and smacked my arm. "Whatever Caleb,mmm that smells good, you ordered breakfast? I thought we were supposed to meet everyone around ten for breakfast?" She asked furrowing her brows.

"Well I called Jake and told him that we would meet them for the rehearsal tonight, but we would be busy until then." I gave her a little wink and she rolled her eyes.

"Is that all you can think about?"

"Mmm babe, though I do constantly think of making love to you, what I actually was thinking, when I said we would be busy was a day out in the sun. Explore a little, go for a swim, who knows maybe we'll find a quit little spot on the beach to... cuddle." I laughed as once again she rolled her eyes.

Setting the tray next to me I sat against the headboard and pulled her into my lap. She was still completely naked from the night before and I couldn't help get a little excited at the sight and feel of her soft skin.

She gasped as she felt me pushed up against her from behind. "Well hello there. It looks like your already looking to cuddle." She laughed as she ground into me.

"Grrrrr you drive me crazy babe." I said as I started kissing on her neck.

"Mmmm as good as that feels Caleb, its gonna have to wait cause I'm starving." she said smiling as she took a grape popping it into her mouth.

We spent the rest of the morning enjoying our breakfast as well as each other. Once we had taken a very steamy shower, we made our way out to explore.

Walking out towards the beach I was absolutely amazed at how beautiful it was. From the flowing palm trees to the bluest blue ocean. I can see why Tess would want to get married here and walking in this amazing place with this amazing woman feels so right. Man she has turned me into such a romantic sap but I wouldn't want it any other way.

Once we made it to the beach I watched her from behind as she stripped to her bikini damn she looked good. As soon as I pulled off my shirt I scooped her into my arms and ran for the water. "CALEB!" She screamed as I threw her in.

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