CHAPTERten (new)

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Friday work went by quick. We had a nice little party for Carla; I had grown too like her a lot over the week. I'm happy she'll get to go spend more time with her family though. After work, we went by the store to pick up some stuff for the party.

 When we got back to the house, Aiden and Jake were in the living room playing video games. After Caleb had helped me carry everything into the kitchen where Tess was, he left to go join the other guys.

Tess and I went to work getting some snacks together for later. By the time, we were done it was already five and people were going to be showing up in a couple hours.

"So how have things been for you?" Tess asked once we were both in the privacy of my room. I never told her about my drunken night, or anything that has gone on between me and her cousin and I'm not sure I ever will

,”It's been good; work has kept me busy all week. I like the job though. I think I'll be able to learn a lot from Caleb; I'm glad I took this job,”

“That’s good, so what do you think of Aiden?” she asked with a knowing smile.

"He's cool, I feel pretty comfortable around him, so that's good. Oh and he is hot as hell,” I said with a smirk

"Uh yeah," She laughed.

“So far I've met Caleb, Jake, Dan and Aiden and they are all freaking hot. Are all the guys in there group hot?”

She nodded “Oh yeah, they are all freaking gorgeous. It’s insane that that many good looking guys are friends,” We both laughed

 "So what are you wearing tonight?" I asked her; she walked to my closet and pulled out a tiny silver spaghetti strap dress. That thing was so short; I don't think it will even cover her ass.

“I know what you’re thinking and yes it does cover everything,” She stated before I could even voice my thoughts. "What about you Ari what are you wearing. I went to my closet and pulled out a black dress. It fits snug to my waist then it flared to above my mid-thigh.

 "Oh, I love it. It's so you and understated sexiness to it,” Tess said while taking my dress to look at it more closely.

 We took turns using my shower and then we did each other’s hair and makeup. It felt so much like our college years. We would do this before every party we went to over the years. I missed Callie, but I was glad to have Tess nearby again.

After we were satisfied with our appearances we walked out to the living room, where the guys were already dressed and talking to a few guests. “Don't you girls look amazing," Jake said as he walked up draping his arm over Tess' shoulder and kissing her on the head.

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