CHAPTERsix (new)

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I was awoken suddenly to the sound of a girl screaming for someone to stop. I jumped out of bed running into Airs room. She was muttering something and thrashing around. “Don’t do this Kyle,” She yelled, and I realized she was having a nightmare.

I went to the side of the bed to wake her, when the sheet covering her fell down to reveal a very naked back. I sucked in a breath at the way her smooth skin was glowing in the moonlight. I quickly pulled the sheet up to cover her; before she ended up showing me more than I'm sure she would want to.

I pulled her to me and ran my hand over her head. She rolled to face me, and her eyes opened going wide as she took me in. "C…Caleb,” She stuttered.

"Yeah baby girl, go back to sleep" I whispered to her while continuing to run my hand down her hair and over her smooth back. She stared at me for another moment before she laid her head down on my chest.

Her breathing slowed and after only a couple of minutes, I could tell she was back to sleep. Slowly I moved her off of me making sure the sheet stayed in place but before I left the room, I moved her hair from her face and gave her a small kiss on top of her head.

When I left, I went across the hall to my room and straight to my bed. I don't know what it is about this girl, but all I want to do is hold her and keep her safe. Yeah, sure she's hot as hell and if she were anyone else I would have had my way with her already.

Shit what is wrong with me, I don't look at a hot chick and think how I want to hold and protect her. That is not me; I don't do relationships or love. When you get close to someone like that, you get hurt. No one ever stays; they always leave and cause you pain, and that is something I am not going to risk again. I will not lose another woman I love and the only way I know how to prevent that is never to love one. I need to try and keep my feeling in check for this girl. Friends that is all she can ever be to me. I don't want to risk either one of us getting hurt again.

Hopefully in the process of our friendship she will begin to heal from the damage that man caused her. She is too damn sweet to carry all that pain and guilt with her. After a while, I finally fell asleep, thinking of ways I could help to unbreak the beautiful broken girl across the hall.



When I woke up, it took me a minute to remember this was my new room. When I rolled over, I noticed I had fallen asleep naked. I also remembered the horrible nightmare I had last night. I forgot to tell Caleb about those. I had at least one every night and always woke up hyperventilating. My mom said I would usually scream in my sleep as well. I hope I didn't freak Caleb out if I screamed last night.

 “Oh shit, Caleb” I breathed. That was when I remembered him holding me last night; I stared into his beautiful green eyes and felt safer than I had ever felt. Why was he in my room? He must have heard me screaming, that was the only logical explanation. My heart swelled at the memory of him stroking my head and back to comfort me. Oh, shit I'm naked, Caleb was holding me in his arms rubbing my back, and I was completely naked, I groaned, how freaking embarrassing.

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