*Patrick's POV*
I wasn't able to sleep due to Ryan's constant sobbing and swearing at himself and being awake that long gives a man time to think.
From what I could hear and comprehend, Ryan was upset about what had happened earlier with Brendon, but wasn't going to do anything because of Daniel. I could tell he knew he screwed up and wanted to do something, and I also knew that Brendon wouldn't just come back and everything be cool again, so I formed a plan.
The plan was to go over to Brendon's house and convince him to at least consider taking Ryan back. I knew I would need backup so I decided to wake up Spencer.
I crept into his room (although I don't know why, because I was going to wake him up anyway) and shook him lightly.
"Hey," I whispered. "Hey, Spence. Wake up."
He stirred a bit and hugged his stuffed bear that he'd had forever, Mr. Snuggle-Wuggle-Kins, closer. I shook him harder.
"Spencer, wake up," I whispered loudly.
He mumbled something and turned onto his other side. I shook him as hard as I could and he kind of woke up and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Snuggle-Wuggle-Kins; I'll protect you from the earthquake."
"No, Spencer," I said. "It's me, Patrick."
He rolled over and squinted at me. "Fuck off, Patrick."
I rolled my eyes and yanked the covers off him.
"Patrick, what the hell?!" he yelled.
"Shh! Be quiet," I whisper-yelled at him. "You swear a lot when you're tired."
He made a noise and pulled the covers back up.
"Do you want to help fix Ryan's broken heart or not?"
"Can we do it when I'm not sleeping?"
"But you're awake right now, aren't you?"
"No," he pulled the covers over his face before whispering, "I'm sleeping."
"Spencer wake up!" I neared yelled at him. He just groaned loudly, moving as far away from me in his bed as he could.
"If you come with me then I'll do your homework for a week," I offered.
"Next week is Thanksgiving break," he pointed out. "I'm not an idiot."
I sighed. "I meant on a week that you actually have homework.
"Why are you bribing me?" he grumbled through his covers.
"Because I need you to wake up so we can go over to Brendon's house and convince him to at least consider liking Ryan again and make Ryan stop sobbing his face off in the next room."
Spencer was quiet for a while and eventually squinted at me and said, "Ok, fine," and got out of bed. "Make it two weeks of homework and you make my bed for those two weeks and we have a deal."
"Dude!" I protested, even though I was grateful he agreed.
"Hey, you woke me up at—" he looked at his alarm clock "—1:37 exactly to go and save Ryan's relationship. And keep in mind that I could be asking for more. Take it or leave it."
I sighed. "Get dressed and meet me downstairs in five minutes." I walked out of his room, going into my own to put some clothes on. Once I was finished, I went downstairs and waited by the front door for him.
When he finally got down, I opened the door with a cold burst of air. We walked to Brendon's house in silence and it struck me that Brendon lives in the same house that Daniel used to live in.

Sugarcane Chronicles Volume I: One and Lonely (ryden)
HumorRyan is cursed and Brendon is adorable. Others are featured and weirds things happen. (inspired by the anime and manga, 'Fruits Basket') **CONTAINS SPOILERS IN THE COMMENTS FROM RE-READERS! if you're a new reader, don't look at the comments!! ***une...