I looked around, trying to find where the meow came from. Before I could find the source of the sound, a voice came from behind.
"Yeah, we kind of do," the voice said. I turned around and saw Jon placing several plastic bags onto a counter. Might I mention we were in the kitchen.
"Ok, I got breakfast cereals with milk to accompany them and a bouquet of various flowers for Spencer," Jon said, pulling out a bouquet of flowers and handing them to a very happy Spencer. I felt something against the side of my leg and looked down to see Mr. Kitty burrowing his face into my leg.
"Mr. Kitty!" I exclaimed, picking up Mr. Kitty. "You guys own Mr. Kitty?"
"His name is actually Ryan," Patrick said. "How do you know our cat and why do call him Mr. Kitty?"
"I found him in the woods the other day and named him Mr. Kitty," I said, petting Mr. Kitty. "And you guys should really keep a better eye on him; I saw him in the school this morning."
"Aaaauuuuhhhhh..." Spencer, Patrick and Jon said, looking at each other.
"Heeey, guuuys!" a voice called from behind. We all turned to see a dude with emo-ish hair standing at the door.
"Hey Pete!" Spencer said.
"You guys really like naming things after yourselves," I said before Mr. Ki-I mean Ryan started squirming in my arms. "You want down?" I placed Ryan on the floor and he scurried away and up the stairs.
"Wow. You're really good with animals," Pete said, sitting down at their dining table.
"Yeah, I always wanted a cat, but Mom never let me have one," I said. They all exchanged glances and Pete smirked.
"What are you smiling at?" I asked, looking at Pete.
"Nothing," he said, shrugging slightly. "Hey, Jon. It's your turn." He looked at Jon.
"Oh, right. Later guys," Jon said before walking out the backdoor.
We were silent for a few minutes before Ryan spoke from the top of the stairs.
"Did I miss anything?" he asked, walking down the stairs.
"Not really. I thought you were napping," Spencer said, sitting down next to Pete.
"I wasn't tired," Ryan replied, only to get a look from Patrick.
We were quiet again for a while before Pete said quite loudly, "Hey, I've got an idea!"
We all looked at him, waiting for his idea to be told.
"Ryan, why don't you give Brendon a tour of the house?" Pete said.
"W-Why don't you?" Ryan asked bashfully.
"'Cause I'm pooped and I'll give him a tour of the other house later," he replied, leaning back in his chair.
"O-Okay..." he started slowly. "This is the kitchen," he said, gesturing around him. I nodded as he led me into what looked like the living room
"This is the living room," he said gesturing awkwardly towards the room. "Over there is a miscellaneous closet." He pointed towards a door.
"Man, you're boring," I stated. "You should give the tour in a British accent or sing it or something."
"I-I'm sorry. Upstairs is a lot more interesting," he blushed, heading for the stairs.
"These," he said, gesturing to the stairs like one of those ladies on a game show would. "Are the Ross-Smith-Stump house stairs and are used to get from one floor to the other."
I chuckled and said, "Much better."
He smiled and led me up the stairs. As we walked down the hallway, he told me whose rooms belonged to who.
"This is Spencer's room and he probably wouldn't want us in there, but we're going to go in anyways." He smiled, opening the door to Spencer's room. "It's either really messy or really clean and he always has a locked drawer on his night stand."
"Why? Is it, like, his porn collection or something?" I joked. Ryan chuckled and led us out of the room to another door.
"This is Patrick's room, which he keeps locked for reasons like us so we won't be going in there," he said, leaning on the doorframe. "But his guitar collection is awesome."
He led me to one more door at the end of the hall.
"...And this is the door to my room," he said, stopping in front of a door.
"Will you give me a tour of the room beyond the door?" I asked.
He blushed and answered, "Sure." He opened the door and held it open for me. "Welcome to my humble abode."
I walked in and looked around. It looked like a normal boy's room; unmade bed, dresser, cluttered desk and random items of clothing everywhere. I was standing there, observing the normalness, when I noticed something awesome.
"Dude! You have a rockin' music collection."
"Th-Thanks," he blushed, looking down and avoiding eye contact.
"Ryan, how come you never look at me?" I asked.
"I-It's a long story," he said, still not looking at me.
"I'm fine with long stories, as long as you're finished by five," I chuckled.
"It could go to eight," he said, looking down.
"Stop making excuses and look at me!" I grabbed his chin and lifted his head so he would be forced to look at me. The second of eye contact was magical until he let out a weak 'mew' and burst into a cloud of smoke.
Sorry this chapter wasn't posted on Friday. We were roadtripping to see Twenty-One Pilots, Panic! at the Disco and Fall Out Boy so we couldn't post o: and the concert was AWESOME btw

Sugarcane Chronicles Volume I: One and Lonely (ryden)
UmorismoRyan is cursed and Brendon is adorable. Others are featured and weirds things happen. (inspired by the anime and manga, 'Fruits Basket') **CONTAINS SPOILERS IN THE COMMENTS FROM RE-READERS! if you're a new reader, don't look at the comments!! ***une...