*Ryan's POV*
That house would always be Daniel's.
I couldn't help but think so.
All I could see when I walked up the porch stairs was our first kiss. All the kitchen was was the place I met his parents. The basement was the place we told each other we were in love with the other. His room was just where he told me his dad got a job back in England.
He was everywhere.
So it brought me around to considering mine and Brendon's love was premature. Maybe he just wanted to lock me up in his heart because I'm 'one of a kind'. Maybe I just needed a warm body to keep me company.
I realized the words I repeated to him were just words. My heart was still in the pocket of some boy in England who still had his. I considered asking him to email it back to me.
Brendon's birthday party was a sleepover, so I slept over. I woke up thinking I was in Daniel house back when he lived there.
I realized I wasn't and sat up, leaning on my elbows. I recognized the feeling of cold and looked for Brendon, him usually being the source of my warmth.
I found him laying next to Mikey, almost laying on top of him, an arm draped across his chest.
I felt tinge of something vaguely envious. But then I felt silly. Why did I feel envy? Mikey was just a little nerd Brendon befriended only to help him with his homework, probably; he was a minor threat. His build is similar to mine, I guessed, so maybe that plus the darkness of the room is how Brendon got confused? I didn't care.
I glanced around the room once again. Everyone was there, except Patrick. I wondered where he went as my eyes landed on Spencer.
I needed to talk to Patrick, I remembered. He would know the perfect thing to do about the Spencer-Vic situation.
So I stumbled into the kitchen to find Patrick sitting at the kitchen table with Brendon's mom.
"Good morning, sleepyhead," she greeted me.
I waved slightly and heard Patrick laugh. I yawned and sat down next to Patrick.
"Patrick, I need to talk to you," I said looking at him.
"Yeah, what is it?"
"Do you want me to leave?" Mrs. Urie said.
"No, you can stay. It'd be better to have both opinions." I pushed some hair out of my face. "So a few weeks ago, I uhm... I caught Vic cheating on Spencer."
Patrick's eyes widened. "What? Vic cheated on Spencer?"
I nodded.
"I'm sorry, but who's Vic?" Mrs. Urie asked. "And which one is Spencer?"
"Spencer has a broken leg and Vic is his boyfriend," Patrick said
"Oh," she said before her expression turned into a mix of slight anger and what almost looked like sympathy. "Oh."
Patrick nodded before turning back to me. "Who was he cheating with?"
"You know the talent show back in sophomore year?" He nodded. "Remember the kid who won?" He gasped.
"Him? Really?"
"Yeah. And they were using tongues and everything. It was so gross." I ran my fingers through my hair. "I just don't know if I should tell him now or after we go to England."
"Tell him now."
"I know, but if I tell him now then he'll be complaining the whole trip."
"But you have to tell him now."

Sugarcane Chronicles Volume I: One and Lonely (ryden)
HumorRyan is cursed and Brendon is adorable. Others are featured and weirds things happen. (inspired by the anime and manga, 'Fruits Basket') **CONTAINS SPOILERS IN THE COMMENTS FROM RE-READERS! if you're a new reader, don't look at the comments!! ***une...