A Strange Encounter With Mr. Kitty

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Why is my alarm clock going off on Saturday? I thought groggily as I rolled over. Oh yeah!

I sat up and rubbed my face before pulling on a shirt and some jeans. I packed a backpack and was out the back door by 7:30 AM. I walked back to the woods, and retraced mine and Patrick's steps from last night.

Ok, there's the tree with the moss... the bush that looks like Michael Jackson... the three stone steps... and the house!

I kept wondering why I was there, but I knew there was only one reason, and that was-

My thoughts were interrupted by a branch snapping behind me.

I slowly turned around only to find a small dog. I squatted down on the ground to it.

"Awh, and what's your name?" I said, holding my hand out slightly. It growled and barked at me. I kind of wobbled back and stood up, picking up a stick.

"Fetch," I said, throwing the stick down one of the two paths. It stayed in place and continued staring at me. After a few seconds of silence, it started barking crazy loud. After a while of trying to get the dog to stop barking, I heard footsteps behind me, and I knew it was too late. I turned to meet my fate and came face to face with Jon.

"And what must you be doing here at this hour?" he said, folding his arms across his chest.

"Abgjuh.. I got looost agaaaiiin," I lied.

"Why must you lie to me? You have one more chance to tell me the truth before Pete makes you tell the truth," he said, nodding his head towards the dog when he said 'Pete.' I wondered if I should tell the truth or try to lie again.

Lie. Definitely lie.

"M-My cat ran into the woods and I came looking for her," I lied, yet again.

"Hm.. What's your cat's name?" Jon questioned

"UhmmMister Kitty," I said.


Awh, fiddlesticks.

Just as I braced for impact, there was a soft 'meow.' I turned to my left and saw a small brown-gray cat. I saw my window of opportunity and cannonballed through it.

"Mister Kitty!" I exclaimed, picking up the cat. "I've found you at last!" I nuzzled my face against the cat's soft fur. I waved goodbye to Jon before slowly walking down the path I came from until I was out of ear and eyeshot to put the cat down.

"Sorry about that," I apologized. "Take this cracker as a token of my gratitude." I took a cracker from my bag and placed it in front of the cat. It took it into its mouth and ran off. I smiled to myself as I turned around and heard a peculiar 'poof.' I shrugged it off and headed back home to sleep the rest of the day away.

Sugarcane Chronicles Volume I: One and Lonely (ryden)Where stories live. Discover now