hey guys, this is the last chapter and is going to be it for a while (because revising is gonna be rough). the next book might be a bit in the making, but it is coming, so hold on for it (8tracks playlist is up now, so go check it out)
until then, enjoy what the story has left to offer.
Ryan and Spencer reacted as expected but, as I further expected, they accepted Gerard. We called Patrick to let him know the news ("That jerkface is family? He always did seem to have a nicer side to him.").
Andy ran tests on the bracelet and it had something to do with blood that I didn't pay attention to (I was too distracted by the thought of the expenses of the next kitchen appliance I would buy (that shit was expensive)). I slept in Ryan's bed with him that night and wondered if routine would return.
It did and did so for quite a while. Everything had a certain rhythm that was hard to break. Even for something as simple as a date to celebrate a finished apartment.
It took forever to find a night that would work for both Ryan and me, but Mom said that was adulthood. The Friday night it did happen was a cool spring evening at a little local restaurant just two blocks down from the apartment (and one down from the tattoo shop in the other direction).
I snazzied up for the occasion and picked Ryan up by the path in the woods, seeing that he had dressed up, too. I drove us to the place, then parked and walked us in. We were led to a table and seated, where our conversation finally moved past small talk.
"So everyone's doing ok?" I asked, peering over my menu.
"Yeah," he said. "We still video chat with Patrick every Sunday morning. And you know how he used to cry every time because he missed us?"
I nodded.
"Well, he got a girlfriend and missed the last two calls," Ryan finished. "Pete was the one who cried those nights."
"Awh," I said. "Poor Pete."
"Yeah, but he found himself a girlfriend and he's ok now."
"Oh, ok," I said, lost to everything.
The waitress walked up to our table, took our drink orders, then left with them.
"So how's Spencer?" I asked.
"He's fine," Ryan answered. "A lazy little shit, but fine."
I laughed, because it was true, and said, "I heard something about him and Jon?"
"Yeah, they're back together."
"Back? I thought they never were."
He shrugged. "Potato, potahto. Do you know if this is good?" He pointed to something on the menu.
"Delicious," I said.
"Good," he said, leaning back in his chair. "Then I know what I'll have." I scanned the menu again for a moment before he added, "Did I ever tell you about the return of Vic?"
I slowly lowered the list of unpronounceable foods. "No."
He grinned. "I didn't?" He let out a laugh, leaning back towards me. "Oh, God, I can't believe myself."
"What? What happened?"
"Well, Jon was staying with Spencer that night, so he was there the next day and I was out at work. They were watching TV or something when there was a knock on the door. Spencer answered and Vic's standing there with a bouquet of flowers."

Sugarcane Chronicles Volume I: One and Lonely (ryden)
UmorismoRyan is cursed and Brendon is adorable. Others are featured and weirds things happen. (inspired by the anime and manga, 'Fruits Basket') **CONTAINS SPOILERS IN THE COMMENTS FROM RE-READERS! if you're a new reader, don't look at the comments!! ***une...