*Brendon's POV*
This trip to England was the best thing that had ever happened to me.
People were polite and nice to me, the accents were super-duper cool, I could drink. It was awesome. But I would have to say the best thing by far was Ryan's change in attitude.
He smiled at me and giggled with me and wanted to hold my hand more often. He kissed me and hugged me and slept in the same bed as me. I did something I didn't think was possible.
I fell further in love with him.
I had done this thing before where whenever I thought about him, I would smile, (maybe giggle, depending on if the memory was cute or funny) and I had caught him doing that the first morning in the hotel.
He was laying on the couch with his journal, staring at the wall and smiling. I had asked him what was so funny about the wallpaper and and he had laughed. He told me he had just been thinking about me and kissed me. Then things got got heated and I was on top of him on the couch, then clothes went missing. Patrick, of course, had to walk in and ruin it, so we all went down for drinks.
The hotel had a bar downstairs and even though Pete said local bars would probably be cheaper, we were too scared to go anywhere else.
We had flown in on Saturday and the teachers and people had planned to let us have Sunday as a day to adjust and get rid of some of the jet lag before jumping into Monday's activities. We, the students, were barely aware of what we would be doing. The half of us that could drink were just happy to be able to and were doing it.
So, anyway, it was Monday night and that day we had just gone for a little walk around, scoping stuff out while the teachers pointed out stuff we would be doing later. We were downstairs at the bar, Patrick, Ryan and I, and were just kind of talking about whatever when Patrick wondered where we would go the next day.
"I dunno," I said. "Probably some kind of boring museum."
"Yeah," they agreed.
"But I hope we get to go to the eye," Ryan said.
"Yeah," Patrick said. "I've heard it's beautiful."
"I was kinda hoping we would get to-" I was interrupted by someone tapping on my shoulder. I turned and saw Mikey. I smiled at him. "Hi!"
"Hey there, sexy," he said in a low voice.
I caught a whiff of his breath and leaned back. Had he drunk the whole bar? And who had given a fifteen-year-old alcoholic beverages?
"Mikey," I started, placing a hand firmly on his shoulder so he 1) would look at me and 2) wouldn't fall. "Are you drunk?"
He nodded and giggled. "Gerard's a goooood brother." He leaned closer to me and whispered loudly, "Now come up to my room with me." He bit his lip as he grabbed my shirt sleeve and tugged weakly.
"I'm right here," I heard Ryan mumble.
"No, Mikey," I said, pushing his hand away. "We both have boyfriends and-"
"Mikey," Gerard sharply whispered, interrupting me. "I told you to stay away from Brendon."
"Yoor not tha boss uhv me," Mikey sassed in reply, sticking his tongue out. He grabbed my arm. "And Brendon's coming up to the room with me."
I began to protest as Gerard grabbed my other arm. "That's where you're wrong, Mikey," he said. "He's coming with me."
"I'm not going to anyone's room except mine and Ryan's," I said, trying to pull my arms out of their hands.

Sugarcane Chronicles Volume I: One and Lonely (ryden)
HumorRyan is cursed and Brendon is adorable. Others are featured and weirds things happen. (inspired by the anime and manga, 'Fruits Basket') **CONTAINS SPOILERS IN THE COMMENTS FROM RE-READERS! if you're a new reader, don't look at the comments!! ***une...