The worst and best day...

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Since the day I heard of that Texas boy from San Antonio, who started on YouTube I became a Mahomie. This boy was perfect in every way. I spent hours listening to his music everyday and I would replay his songs over and over until I memorized all the lyrics to his songs. I always checked Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to keep up with all of his news and I would always be up to date with everything about him. I never missed a single detail about him. I had everything decorated with Austin Mahone. My room was filled with pictures, my backpack was filled with Austin Mahone notebooks and more things. My wardrobe had shirts with his name. My iPad and iPhone were filled with his music and all the covers he did so I could keep listening to him everywhere I went. My one wish was for me to see him in concert, he was never near my hometown. I anxiously waited for that day to come soon. I would do anything to go see him in a concert, and I would also try to meet him.

  Oh my gosh!! Austin is coming to my hometown finally! Its 2 months before he comes here! for a few weeks I started buying a lot of nice clothes and more Austin merchandise.

One more day until I saw him finally! I prepared everything for the big day to come finally. I went to get my beauty sleep now in order to feel perfect for the concert tomorrow. after a really good sleep I ate a big breakfast and I had about 7 hours before I began to drive to the concert. I went to get ready and I took a nice, warm bath. When I got out I let my hair air dry and I did my makeup perfectly meanwhile. I curled my hair really nice, now i had about 3 and a half hours. I went to get my outfit. My outfit was a black skirt, red crop-top, and black flats. I was feeling really amazing by now, I retouched my makeup one last time, put on my Austin Mahone Jewelry. About an hour and a half left before the actual concert started! I grabbed my phone and I tweeted Austin "Hey Austin! Good luck tonight! I hope to see you there and maybe we can meet? :D".

I ran to get my car keys and I got in the car. There was almost no traffic until I was 20 minutes away from the place. Some vehicles were driving very fast and close to me, others were driving slow and more normal. I was about 4 miles from the place when I felt a sudden crash and before i knew it, I was unconscious. I feel like I just woke up from a very long sleep. I don't know how long I have been unconscious for but something is not right, I had been laying with something covering my eyes. Where am I? What happened? Why are my eyes covered? I tried to reach to my face to remove what was covering my eyes. I can't move my arms! I don't feel anything! I broke out into tears and I was in a panic attack. How is this even possible? Why can I not move anything? Am I going to be able to move ever again? The nurse ran into the room and injected me with some shot to calm down.

She explained to me that I had been in a car accident, there was more vehicles involved but I was the one who got most of the injuries. She said that my car was completely wrecked and it was almost impossible to take me out of the car. " You are very lucky to have survived this kind of accident. Most people would not make it to the hospital in time" are the words that repeated in my head. "You are also paralyzed but it will only be a temporary thing. It was due to the shock of the accident. The paralysis shouldn't last more than 3 days. You had an injury in your head as well, we will check your eyesight and will do an MRI in a few hours." the nurse told me. After that I was not sure what happened since I fell asleep again. I woke to the sound of the nurses checking up on me, again i tried to move but i was not able to and i began to panic again.

This time the nurses were taking off all of the bandages on my eyes. This process took a while. After they took off the bandage they asked me to open my eyes, I did. "Are you able to see?" a nurse asked. I blinked a few times trying to focus on what i was looking at. " I- I- I" i began to cry " I c-can't see anything!" i started to cry even more and panicked again. "We will be doing some eye test on you to determine if you are getting your eyesight back again." the nurses said. I was still crying but i was now hungry. A nurse fed me, the hospital food was so gross! never would i want to taste it again in my life! WHile she fed me she told me how lucky i was, " You know, a young man saw you in the car and he called 911. He actually helped you out while we got to you. If it hadnt been for him, maybe life would've been different now. He said he was going to visit you as soon as he got back into town." I just listened wondering who this young man was. Why would he save me?

My One and Only, Austin MahoneWhere stories live. Discover now