I am beginning to understand now...

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I woke up a little after my dream went black. Everything was the same as when I entered into a coma. I could hear Robert and Taco whispering something in the room. Dang I really miss having those funny, random, crazy conversations with them. Surprisingly, what I wanted right now was to be airplane fed. I was completely broken at the fact that everything was going wrong with me. First the accident. Then I couldn't move, I can't see, I got fed disgusting food, and now I am in the coma. Life isn't fair at all! Yes, I am lucky to have survived this accident but if I was going to end up this way, I might as well have not survived! Those were my final thoughts for now. I lay down and I felt like someone was smothering me with a pillow except it was nobody. It was just becoming harder to breathe. Every breath I took was shorter.


You guys I'm so sorry I haven't been publishing more...I've been really busy lately...uhm I am writing this at 4 a.m. So if something doesn't make sense I am really sorry. Well please keep reading, vote, comment! Please let me know what you think!



It may not have seemed like it but I was very frightened of what was happening to me.

Why am I having difficulty breathing now?

Why in the world would I be struggling with this now?!

My breaths were even shorter by now. I struggled to take deeper breaths but it would only be much more painful. Everything suddenly seemed to kind of slow down like in movies, that epic slow motion scene in movies.

I took one last very deep breath. I could no longer breath from now on. That's just a terrible feeling. The only thing keeping me from this panic is the feeling of peace I am getting now. I stood up and walked out of the hospital room. Freedom at last! I take one last look through the window and there I see myself. I see my body laying on the bed with all these bandages covering my eyes, different thing s running all over my body. "Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep" that's all that could be heard from the inside of the room. I stood by the doorway and I immediately saw who I believed was Robert, run shouting for a doctor.

"I need a doctor! Jennifer has died!" He desperately shouted, holding back some tears.

Robert. Oh my gosh he looks familiar! Where have I seen him? I know I've seen him! I didn't even bother to look at Taco now that I realize.

The doctor and nurses ran into the room. I stood there watching them try to resuscitate me. I stepped away, walked into some bright, shining light coming through a door next to the hospital room , this is where my journey shall begin.


Ok I'm really sleepy now..so yea I am sorry for not updating much lately...I will definitely try tomorrow. Sorry for any bad misspellings by the way (or if the story makes no sense)...it is really creepy to hear a noise in a dead silent house ._. Uhm yea...anyways read, enjoy, vote and comment :D



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