Oh gosh

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Let's all assume that 3 weeks have passed since her death and resuscitation but she was completely unconscious in that period of time.



As I lay there I only tried to make sense of what happened. I guess it was all to sudden to fully comprehend.

There was something particularly different though, I could feel my body tingling. Just like when your leg falls asleep and it starts tingling. I still couldn't move but I was surely able to listen. The doctors were checking up on me and injecting me with something. I could faintly listen to two men arguing like women in the background.

"Robert! I can't believe you just-"

The doctor spoke and I couldn't focus on what they were saying.

"You would've done the same thing if you were me, Au-"

Freaking doctor needs to shut up so I can hear what's going on!

"What are you going to do when she finds out who 'T-" doctor interrupted again.

"Well we will see what happens... I'll find a way." Taco replied.

I tried to fill in the puzzle of their conversation, but I guess I didn't have much to actually figure out the picture.

The medicines kicked in and I felt drowsy, so I went to sleep.

A couple of hours later I woke up to a tingling body and the nurse singing. Boy, did she suck! I still couldn't speak...but assuming that the tingling could be the sign of me recuperating, then things should start to get better.

"Shut the hell up, woman! Nobody wants to hear you sing because you are hurting my ears!" I wished that I could say that.

The tingling kinda made me want to laugh because it felt ticklish. I miss the good times, Robert, and Taco.

"Bro, 3 weeks have passed already. I miss listening to her..." A depressing statement from Robert.

"Yeah, me too. She has the most perfect voice and smile... It's difficult to live without seeing her smiling." Taco stated.


Okay super short update .-. But I need sleep and it's currently 5:30 a.m.

I'm sorry that I don't update too much sometimes... But I swear I'll try my best to keep updating every few days or every day... Comment, vote, and share!




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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