Taco, Robert,thoughts, and food...

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I had dreamt that they were here again and we were all talking. We were laughing a lot about what we do in our crazy moments. Then Taco began to airplane feed me again while Robert was making up weird songs. He didn't sing too bad actually. The only thing was that he made up funny lyrics for these songs and he made funny voices while singing. These guys were just perfect to make me laugh whenever I needed to laugh. I was just wondering what they looked like. That was just a mystery. What do they look like? Are they cute? Whoa are they really? Are they at least close to my age? All this was running through my thoughts after I woke up from my dream.


I just started this part today and it is also my third day writing this. I kind of just figured out how to publish the different parts /.\ yea I'm a fail. Well I hope to write something awesome from here on out through the story. I hope you like this :)



I had been so busy thinking about them that I had already forgotten to check if I could now move. Today was the third day, the day I was supposed to be able to move again. I tried to move my toes, legs,arms,fingers and I could still not feel anything. Now I had started to panic. I might never be able to move again! How am I supposed to live my life this way? Or am I going to be able to move in a few more days?

That was the only thing keeping my hopes high. That I might be able to move in a few more days.

I had been thinking about this for the next hour or two. I wonder what time Robert and Taco are coming over. The thought of his chosen name, Taco, made me laugh every time.

The nurse came back to check on me and she made me eat the disgusting hospital . It was some type of meat that tasted like moldy cardboard with rotting cheese and it smelled like stinky feet. What was supposed to be mashed potatoes tasted like rotting milk and the gravy, don't even get me started with describing how terrible it tasted. As soon as I had to eat the meat and mashed potatoes I actually started coughing so much I actually threw up on the nurse! How in the world am I supposed to eat such a disgusting meal?!

" I- I I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to vomit over you." I told the nurse

" I'm used to it by now." She replied in a grossed out voice

"This food is disgusting. I can't even eat it without tasting how bad it is." I confessed to her

"Well you have to eat something."

" How am I supposed to eat something that is just so disgusting to eat? It tastes like rotting moldy cheese and stinky feet! Wouldn't that make you throw up too?!"

Meanwhile she cleaned the vomit off of me and helped me change shirts.


I have absolutely no idea why I described the food so gross but I'm sure it does taste like that!

I don't know what that combination is like but I can imagine it is the worst thing that anybody could eat! Well besides something else.... Anyways please keep reading...



The nurse left to go clean her self now. I was laughing inside because I had done this to her even though it was pretty messed up. As usual, I laid down on the bed.

I heard a knock on the door. At first I thought it was a nurse checking up on me.

"Hi Jennifer!" I heard.

"Robert!?" I smiled as I asked.

"Yes ma'am! How are you today?" He asked.

" I am doing better than yesterday!" I replied to him.

"I'm glad! Have you ate today?" He asked me.

" The nurse forced me to eat something disgusting And well... I ended up throwing up on her. So I haven't really ate anything..." I said, hoping that Taco would bring some food.


Well this was shorter than the other part but I will publish this now and I will keep on writing the other part. I might not be able to add a lot to the story during the week due to school. But winter break is coming so I will update! :)

Thanks to those who have read my story!



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