Ghost life

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I must admit that watching the doctors resuscitating me was very interesting. There were moments were I felt like I was being pulled back onto my body, just like if I was metal and there was a magnet returning me to my body. Being a ghost was actually a great feeling! I could see and move! No more bad memories, no regrets, no bad feelings, no pain and no more suffering! Everything was back to normal finally! I turned around for a quick second knowing that I was completely invisible to everyone and I walked down the hospital hall. I heard voices of two different young men and I went to looking for them. Just around the corner of the hall I saw Robert and Taco (or at least I did believe it was them) and they looked very worried because they were walking in circles and their facial expressions said it all,

"Man I'm scared of losing her! She's so beautiful and she's such a great person! If I hadn't scheduled my concert for that day she would've been fine!" Taco said while facing the window.

I felt like I was pulled to my body.

"I know man! But you're not guilty for this! People are stupid and they don't take caution while driving!" Robert replied.

At that moment I felt like I was being pulled to my body again.

"You know what I have been wondering this entire time? Where is her family? Do they even have any idea of what happened to her?" Taco questioned.

I felt another pull towards my body.

"That's true! We have been here for most of time now and there has been no sign of her family yet."

Another pull to my body and this was strong enough to bring me back to life again. I'm not sure if I was glad about being back to life or if I enjoyed my "ghost life" more. Now, I just had a lot of questions in my mind. Like always, wondering if I would ever be back to normal. I heard the doctors saying things that were unclear to me at the moment, but they sounded glad that they successfully brought me back to life.


I haven't had a lot of time to update this story lately since I began to type more stories. Please go read them! I really recommend reading one of the better stories I have type: "A Blade was her Best friend". Of course this is a very very short update but I will try to update sooner now! please comment, vote, and read! If you give me feedback, I will improve :) thanks!



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