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After numerous amounts of tests I heard the doctor tell Taco and Robert that I had fallen into a diabetic coma. I didn't even know I had diabetes!

How was this possible to happen?!

How long have I had this and why did it happen? Well people in my family have it so that must be it! But this is just terrible! Robert asked the doctor, "Why did this happen?"

"Well it could've happened because Of her not eating correctly. She hadn't been eating much after all, So the main cause would've been low blood sugar." the doctor replied.

I Find it so odd to be able to hear everything but not be able to react to anything that is happening.

" Is she going to wake up from this coma?" Taco asked.

" Well we can't be sure of wether she will or not. Most cases would wake up but not all cases are the same."

This is when I was panicking deep inside. Could my life get any worser now? What if I never wake up or what if I die!?


I don't know how much sense this story is making right now... but I hope it's getting good ._. I have no knowledge of diabetic comas..



"We must all hope that she will wake up again from the coma." The doctor said.

Indeed all I need is to believe that I will wake up again as soon as possible.

I must wake up from this. I miss being my old self. I miss being able to talk. being able to see. I miss being able to move and walk!


Well I know this was another mini chapter. I try to write during my classes so yea... anyways I will really try to publish another chapter today and if not then I will tomorrow.. I will definitely write a longer chapter during the weekend for sure :) please comment! vote! read! and invite others to read my story :)


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