~A huge apology to you guys.~

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I am sorry I haven't updated recently. Its been a couple of months since I last added a chapter. I was busy studying for my final exams and preparing to start dealing with life. Too much has been happening currently and I've been trying to get through it. Many problems from my past are coming up again and they're slowly going away. I suppose everything will be better soon. I must realize all this crap happens for a reason, right? I got to expect something better at the end of this. Promises will be broken. Family wasn't always there. I'm not me anymore. I need to start making better choices from now on and not expect people to be more than they claim to be. Fuck people who weren't there for me when they had promised they would. Depression sucks but I have learned to deal with it a little better than I used to. But it's truly amazing to meet new people who seem to care about you. Even if they once were the cause of your own pain, now they cheer you up...

Anyways I am going to start updating my stories again. If you would like to be a character in my story then please comment your name :) I will use 2-4 characters! And please comment/vote/ share my story!



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