Chapter 10

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Several weeks have passed.  I have kept up on my lessons with Hamian and Lady Colummer, so I now can name every kingdom, their royal families, and their noble families.  My speech has become much more proper to Lady Colummer's approval, and I can have a proper dinner and meeting with all the correct manners.  I have talked with Princess Rubell in Atlantis several times now.  I still cannot muster up the courage to have a normal conversation with Lance, and I fear that our friendship has come to a halt.
School has been fine. On the contrary to what I was back home, here I've been very popular.  Most everyone wanted to be my friend.  I just wish it wasn't simply because they wanted to be close to a future king.  There are a few though, that I would call good friends.  They seemed more real and understanding of my position.
I've also made a visit to most of the major cities in Bright Wood to intruduce myself as the future king and to learn more about my people and their cultures.  I've also visited the most major of the fea flocks.
In my free time, I practice sword fighting with my guard, Sir Benton.  He has helped me become stronger and leaner.  He says that I have become a skillful warrior, able to hold a fight against any one of my personal guards and last for more that a few minutes, which is good.  I've even begun to take part in the training of new recruits, though Hamian says it's just so that I can get to know and trust the knights of Bright Wood.
There have been several more attacks on the kingdoms, and I could not stand to watch us get beaten down and walked over by Lord Krolyn's attacks.  I have recently prepared a small group of my best guards, and we plan to rally the support and aid of the larger beasts of the far kingdoms.


"Prince Connor, you best be careful.  Your kingdom has grown fond of you, and it would be a sorrowful time if something were to happen to you now."
"Thank you, Lord Barscovv.  I will return in two months time. You can count on that.  I'm sure my kingdom will prosper in your good hands while I am away."
"I will try, your highness."
"Good."  I smiled and gave Hamian a salute by placing my right fist over my chest.  He returned it with a pleasing look.  Hamian had quickly become the man I trusted the most in my kingdom.  He seemed very wise and capable of running it.  That is also why I left him in charge for the time I would be gone.
The entrance to the palace was buzzing with activity.  Castle servants and maids brought out sacks full of food and supplies that would be strapped to an extra mount, and the wives and children of the guards had come to bid their husbands and fathers farewell.  As this was happening,  I rushed up the spiral staircase to my chambers.
     I opened the door to find Emerella packing a bag for me.  Her own was at her side, for she had insisted that as the personal servant of Prince Connor, she was obligated to go along side him.  She also said that she wanted the adventure because she's never been outside of Bright Wood.
I went towards the drawer next to the bed.  I opened it and took out a small leather sack which contained the blue seeing crystal.  I slid the crystal onto my hand and looked at it a moment before sliding it back into the pouch and tying it to my waist.  I walked over to where Emerella was.  "You are sure you want to do this?"
"Your highness, how many times must you ask?"
"As many times as it takes for me to be certain."
"Yes.  I really do, Prince Connor."
"Even though there are possible dangers along the way?"
"What is adventure without danger?  And I can handle a bow and arrow.  I will be fine.  Why do you worry about me so?  I am just a servant."
"Because... I don't know.  I just don't want you to get hurt."
She gave me a defiant look with slight humor. "Prince Connor, I will be perfectly fine for the entire two months we are gone.  Besides, who would dress and feed you?"
"If you insist.  We are departing within the hour."
"And I will be sure not to miss it, your highness," she said with a smirk.
It wasn't a half hour later when everything was ready, and we were off.  I had four men accompanying me.  I had Sir Yamund Benton, Sir Charles Mortimer, Sir Opum Quellington, and Sir Pestus Morrow.  Of course, there was also Emerella.  Each of us was riding a standard palace volta, besides me.  Of course, I chose to ride Remora because she was as fast as any volta, and I knew her better than any of the other mounts at the palace.
I planned to ride north, to the cold plains of Torgual to try and acquire the help of the warloxes that had developed their own way of life there and took no part in Torgual's politics, but to get there, we had to go through a part Storm Valley.  Both of these kingdoms were known for being overrun with bandits, and the increasingly low temperature could become dangerous if certain precautions were not taken.
I expected there to be hardships, but I did not expect one of my men to start complaining before we had even stopped for the first night.
"Your highness, may I enquire as to why we have taken simple voltas on this mission?  Would it not be faster to take flying mounts?"  Pestus questioned.
Opum was the first to respond. "Complaining already, Sir Morrow?"
"First off, we are not among others. You can use my first name, thank you.  And second, I was simply making an observation."
The argument was in good humor, but I answered his question anyway. "There were not enough flying mounts spare for all of us. They are being used at the warfront in Sunar. It was either less men or longer adventure.  I chose the adventure."
"Point well taken, your highness, but why not use griffons?  There are many of them."
This time, Charles spoke. "It would be impractical Pestus."
"Also, you cannot even speak to one without having a connecting stone," I added, "which you can only acquire if you plan to spend the rest of your days in such a commitment.  I'm sure no griffon would want to spend a lifetime connected to you Pestus."  This earned a laugh from every man in the group, even Pestus.
He replied with a good humoured remark of his own. "I'll have you know that I am the most important man on this mission."
Yamund now spoke. "And why is that?  Your usefulness in washing our clothes and cooking our food?"
"No.  I am obviously the strongest man here."  He drove his point with a dramatic flexing of his muscles.
"So you can be our new pack horse."
"No."  Everyone was laughing now.  Even Emerella, who rode in the back of the group, watched the playful argument with a smile on her face.
The other men kept on with their bantering, and I simply sat back to listen.  I couldn't believe the contentment I felt to just be part of such a great world.
Of course, I missed my friends at home and the Cronwells, but life then could not even compare to the life I live now.
After several hours of boring travel,  the sun was beginning to set, and I could feel the energy draining from my body.
"Let us find a safe place to make camp.  We must rest and eat."
"I agree completely, your highness," said Opum.
"Yes, Connor.  That is a fine idea." agreed Pestus.
We were traveling next to a small stone bluff, and one of the men found an overhang that would offer protection from wind and rain if any were to come during the night.  It would also offer protection from wild animals, should they choose to toil with us or our supplies.
As the men began settling into this shelter, I went out to begin collecting wood for a fire.  I was soon joined by Emerella.
"It's hard to believe that only two months ago, you were just a simple boy from the other world.  Now you are a prince.  One who is very brave to venture so far out for his kingdom and others."
"I could not have become this without the help of the people that surround me."
"Even if that is true, you are becoming one of the best leaders Bright Wood has ever seen for itself."
"Thank you.  That truly means alot to me."
We collected wood silently for a moment.
"Your highness, how long are you expecting it to take to reach the edges of Torgual?"
"It may take three weeks to travel that far.  We are not even to the borders between Bright Wood and Storm Valley yet."
"My, this journey is going to be longer than I expected."
"It is not too late for you to turn back, you know."
"I do not want to.  I'll not leave your side."
"That is very kind, but what will you do if a wild beast comes into our camp or if our party is struck by a horde of bandits?"
"I will fight.  I will fight alongside your men.  Do not worry about me.  You've more pressing matters to worry about."
"I can't help it.  You have been loyal to me the entire time I've been here.  I don't think you realize how much you mean to me, Emerella."
I stopped and looked at her.  Her cheeks were ablaze with a bright pink glow again, and I thought she might run as she had before.  Only for a moment she looked like this because when she saw that I was looking at her, she smiled weakly and stated, "Then you would be glad that I am here; someone your own age to converse with.  Besides, who will cook the delicious meals?  Without me, you and your men would be forced to eat only the dry meat and fruits that the servants have prepared for you."  The blush was still in her face, and she looked back at the ground and continued to pick up wood.
Neither of us talked, nor knew what to say.  We just grabbed enough dry wood to take back to the overhang.  The silence was deafeningly loud, though because I wondered what she was thinking, and I worried that what I said might have upset her.  The more I thought about it, the more I realized it to be true.  I really did care for Emerella.  If anything were to happen to her, I would be heartbroken.  She was so beautiful and kind.  I looked towards her again and watched as she walked towards the camp, logs in tow.  Her black hair bounced as she walked, and the simple servant's dress she wore seemed to compliment her appearance like any beautiful, expensive garment.
I also made my way back to the camp.  What of the feelings I had for the princess?  I don't think those were the same.  The princess seemed almost more like family to me now.  I honestly could not see myself with Rubell any longer.  I did not see myself with anyone for the past few weeks, until now.  Suddenly,  I felt glad that Emerella was here.  Though I grew ever more scared that something would happen to her.
It was not long before a fire was made, food sat in our stomachs, and sleep overcame us.  This was going to be a very long three weeks.

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