Chapter 17

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I leaned back on the pearly white scales of the dragon, Rha-Shai, granddaughter of the dragon king, as we flew in the air towards the northern plains of Galoddem. It's ironic how this long, unexpected journey would put me right near where I was going in the first place. I had heard that the dragons live just north of the warlox packs, so there might be hope in me finishing the task I originally came to do.

At this moment, we were flying over the ocean towards the Galoddem mainland. "Rah."

"Yes, young prince?"

"Since you can't travel through the Sky Kingdom, how long is it going to take to get to your village?"

"It will take until the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky." It was weird how most of the people in this land used the sun to tell time, and I was getting better at it as the weeks by. I looked at the sun now which was still quite high in the sky and estimated that it would still take about four hours.

"How did you know where to find me, and why are my friends in your village?"

"Let me start at the beginning. You may want to make yourself comfortable because this is a long story." I sat up on the dragon's back so that I could pay attention easier, and through the gentle beating of the occasional wing flap, Rah began, "In our legends, it is written, 'You will know when your King has arrived when a messenger on a simple beast delivers the news of his immediate danger.' Two nights ago, a Bright Wood knight riding upon a krune came into our village and told us that the prince of Bright Wood was taken away by Torgual soldiers. The knight said his name was Pestus."

I remembered how just two days ago, the Torgan soldiers betrayed my riding party to the north plains. They killed one of my knights, but I remembered that Pestus had been injured. He was shot in the shoulder and left to die. He must have taken Remora and rode north to try and complete his task, but ran into the dragon village instead.

"After we learned this, my father sent me and another to aid in your rescue. When we reached the Torgan queen's palace, it had been nearly destroyed. We found your friends at the edge of the forest, and after convincing them that we were not to be feared, they told us that you had been taken by Voden to Lord Krolyn's castle. I sent your friends to my village on the back of my companion. The moment I learned where you were, I flew as fast as I could to where I found you on that road."

"Oh. Must have been a very eventful two days and nights for you. I know it was for me."

"Yes." There was near silence for the next moment.

I was suddenly very tired, and I leaned back down on Rah's smooth back. "Rah?"


"When Ruphean and I were in the cave, we were so vulnerable. Why didn't you trap us in there? You could have brought us out much faster and easier."

"Yes, but that would have scared you two to the moon and back, and I didn't want to force you to do anything."

"Oh." I yawned loudly. "Rah?"


"Wake me up when we reach Galoddem?"

"Of course, your highness."


I never actually fell asleep, but I laid there with my eyes closed the rest of the way. I only opened them when I heard the faint voice of Rah in my head saying, "Wake up, Prince Connor. We are nearing my village." I sat up and examined our surroundings. We were now flying over land, and I could see icy forests and fields below us.

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