Chapter 22

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It was now several months later. Even though I was sole heir to the Sky Kingdom, I decided to return to my home in Bright Wood and rule there. In the previous council of the Kings, we appointed several new leaders to each of the kingdoms that had lost their rulers, including the Sky Kingdom, whom Lance was appointed as king of. I, along with Hamian, have officially changed the Bright Wood seal from the fearsome image of a griffon to a calm krune to symbolize the token of a new era.   I have also been courting Emerella for this entire length of time, and I planned soon to ask for her hand in marriage. Now, Spring was coming to a close, and it happened to be June eighth, my seventeenth birthday. An extravagant ceremony was taking place where I would become King of Bright Wood.

I was kneeling at the front of the council room in Arpton Palace which was set up like a ceremony room. Many people on each side of the walkway were leaning in to hear what was going on. A priest stood in front of me, reading my vows to my country. "...and all these things, do you, Prince Eden, swear to uphold?"

"I do."

"I now crown you, Prince Eden, King of Bright Wood." The priest took a beautiful crown from a pillow, held by one of my favorite palace serving boys, and placed in carefully on my head. I then stood and faced the crowd. The room erupted in the consecutive shouting of, "Long live the king! Long live the king! Long live the king!" Then, everyone clapped and cheered. The ceremony was over, and I was officially, King Eden of Bright Wood.

After the festivities, I walked off by myself to the gardens, carrying a bouquet of expensive flowers. Though it is not custom here, I still wanted to honor my fallen friends like I did on earth by burying something that they had left behind. Above each place in the ground where they were buried, a stone was engraved with their names.

I sat on a bench that I had placed just near them. I looked at all the headstones and took the time to remember one thing that I liked about each of the people represented here, and I silently thanked each and every one of them for helping to get me to where I was that day.

When I was done, I got up and placed one flower on each of their stones. I started with Rubell's because she was my sister. Then I placed one on mother's, the brave villager who's name was Kamar who died in the last battle, and Cass's. I also placed one on Nox, who also didn't make it past the last battle. I put my last flower on Timeus. I had never truly met him before the dark magic overtook him, but I believe deep down that he was a good man, one to hope to live up to. He loved me, so in turn, I will love him and be glad to see him when we all meet again in the homeland.

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