Chapter 12

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"That would explain everything," said the still surprised warlox.  "There is much written in our legends about you.  Your fate is as entwined with our world as ivy is to a tree."
These words confused me.  Why would I be written in legends, and how does this creature know about my fate?  "What about me is written in legends?"
"Well, young prince, a very long time ago, when evil first entered the world, our kinds were immediately separated by the homeland god.  Each creature defined by his appearance.  The warloxes came to the north, and stayed away from the chaos that was the world at the time.  Within one warlox pack, a pup was born under the magical flowing lights in the skies.  This pup became the first Neimbfor, meaning prophet in our native tongue.  Though this was the first, this was not the last.  Several other Neimbfor were born.  They had the power to interpret the words of the homeland god, and these words were recorded and passed down as stories.  These stories foretold events that we can see unfolding today.  They were gathered all into one book which became known as the Book of Neimbleigh, the prophet-spoken book of legends.
"In this book, it is written that a boy will be called from a separate world to lead all of us into a time of health and prosperity."
I thought for a moment.  "That could be anyone.  It doesn't have to be me."
"There are those who believe it is you."
"They are wrong."  There was a moment of silence.
"You must be patient.  I am trying to recall some of the stories..."  He gasped suddenly.  "I need to get you out of this place.  We must go to the sparkling woods."
"No time can be wasted.  Try and find a way out!"
"There is no way out!"
"Then..." he paused for a moment.  "Be ready."
I barely heard what he said before a deafening howl ripped its way through the entire dungeon, and I could almost feel the sheer force of the sound in my bones.  My body was pushed backwards as if the sound had a tangible resonance.  I soon found myself in the very back of my cell, and the iron bars of my door bent with the incredible force.  A loud clang and breaking of metal informed me that some cage bars had broken, though none of them were mine.
Fast and heavy footsteps of guards could be heard running towards us, and I was suddenly blinded by a light as one of their torches came into view.  The next thing I knew, screams and shouts of men echoed off the walls.  Now with the room well lit and my eyes getting used to the light, I could see the situation in front of me.
Several guards stood trying to defend against a thrashing and biting wolf.  I could see silver fur stained with blood, though who's I could not tell.  Soon, the only movement came from the large beast that had apparently killed all those men who had now disappeared into the air like usual.  The beast looked at me.  "Keys, there."  It glanced at the heap of clothing previously worn by the guard lying beside my door.
I just sat, staring.  The wolf then forcefully growled at me.  I jumped into action.  As fast as I could, I ruffled through the folds of cloth and found a ring of keys.  My hands shaking, I stood and tried each one in the lock of my door.  Finally, one worked, and my door swung open.
"Now, get the girl.  We need to find the knight and leave."
"I will explain later."
I shook the questions from my head and did as the warlox said.  I rushed into the opposite cell, noticing that this door was not simply unlocked and opened.  It was forcefully ripped from its hinges.  I found Emerella lying, bruised and bloody in the far side of the room.  I gathered her in my arms and walked back out.  The warlox was already halfway down the hallway, and I followed.  The huge wolf turned his head towards me. "Free as many of these prisoners as you can.  Many are trapped for the same reason as we."
Using the key ring I found on the guard, I unlocked each and every one of the cells.  Hamian began helping when I freed him.  He was also bruised and bloody, but at least he was conscious.  We met up with the warlox.  "Hurry. Climb onto my back."  We all looked at eachother then did as he said.
We rushed up the stairs and into the main part of the castle followed by the huge mob of freed prisoners. Two guards stood in the entrance to the dungeons.  They wore surprised expressions as they reached for their swords, but we easily overcame them with our sheer numbers.
We didn't dare stop as we continued through the castle.  Soon, the warning bells could be heard ringing through the corridors, alerting the entire building to our escape.  We came to a threeway part in the hallway, and we paused. 
"This way leads to the outside," I shouted to the crowd, but just as the echo from my words faded, another echo could be heard.  Many fast-falling footsteps thundered towards us in the hallway we were supposed to go.
Several of the escaped prisoners rushed at the oncoming guards, shouting as loud as they could.  The rest of us charged forward with them, also screaming our battle cry.
The people who had taken swords from the unsuspecting guards earlier attacked first, and the entire mob followed in suit.  Blood began staining the floors as both guards and prisoners were cut down.  The sound of clanging swords resounded through the halls.  As guards fell, so did the torches that were held by a few of them.  Fire soon spread across the floor and up the walls.
"We need to get out now!" I heard someone say.  The rest of the prisoners gathered and rushed past the few remaining guards.  It was good we ran when we did, because a huge flame burst behind us, trapping our attackers on the other side.
When we reached the main foyer, quaintly dressed women screamed and ran out of our way, and the queen, who sat on her throne, stood and looked at us in surprised anger.  I only threw her a glance as we rushed out of the main doors.
As soon as we were out, all the people in the crowd ran different directions.  Some had wings and flew into the sky, some instantly used huge, clawed hands to dig their way into the ground, but most, like us, ran straight for the cover of trees.  We soon reached our safe haven.  The sound of many people breathing heavily could be heard echoing off the trees' trunks.  Many of the escapees came to thank us and soon ran off or climbed into the trees.  We soon found ourselves alone again.
"Thank you," I breathed.
The warlox was panting heavily, and in between breaths, he said, "No problem."  Pant.  "T'was my duty."
We climbed off his back. "I never learned your name."
"Nice to meet you Ronan."
He breathed an acknowledgement through pants.  We rested for several minutes so that the heroic warlox could recover his breath.
"I'm glad we did, but why was it so important for us to escape?"
"The legends were often unclear of their meaning, but as the situation unfolded, it became as clear as the stars what one specific story meant."
"I don't understand."
"None would have realized that the legends should have been taken so literally. It is said, 'A salvation will come upon the boy when iron bars surround him.  Then, a destruction will come on the captors in the form of a--'"  A huge roar came from the direction of the now far away castle. "--a dragon."

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