Chapter 9

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"Prince Connor, you really should learn to be on time," said the noblewoman for the fifth time in her old, nasally voice.  We were in the top level of the library, learning about culture.
"Yes, Lady Colummer," I said in the nicest tone I could muster at the time.
"And sit up.  In public, you must always have perfect posture."
I sat up a bit, suppressing the urge to roll my eyes.
"Good. Now, you must learn proper court etiquette and... well, you must learn proper everything.  So, I've collected some books from my personal library."  She turned around and pulled a massive pile of books from a shelf. She brought them to the table I was currently sitting at, and she plopped them down with a huge bang.  A cloud of dust spewed from beneath it, making me cough.  "These are your textbooks.  You are to have them read through by next week."
"All of them?" I complained. "But that's going to take me forever."
     "No whining, and try to use a more proper sentence phrasing, like, 'That is going to take me a very long time.'  You must read these because you must be well educated in the proper manners you must have in public."
"Ugh."  I dropped my head onto the table, not exactly minding the headache it immediately gave me.
"Sit up, boy.  Posture is everything!"
Leaving my head on the table, I looked up to glare at her, but she happened to be glaring right back.  I huffed and complied. The lesson went on and on until the hour finally ended and I was allowed to leave.
Exiting the room, I ran straight into another person.  I caught myself before I fell and reached out to catch the other before he or she hit the floor.  It was Emerella. There was a moment of silence.  I was worried this was going to get really awkward, but she suddenly started laughing.  I laughed too.  Several moments passed before I realized that I was still holding onto her, and strangely, I didn't want to let go.
I never realized before how beautiful her eyes were.  They were the deepest green with small golden specs.  Her lashes were dark and long, and they framed her eyes perfectly.  They were the same color as her raven hair, which cascaded down her shoulders like a beautiful, waving, flowing river.
She seemed uncomfortable as she moved slightly in my arms. "Your highness..." she said.
I let her go, realizing that the moment had gone awkward.  "Oh, yes. Um, sorry."  She bent down to collect the things she was carrying before I ran into her.  "Oh, here. Let me get those," I said, reaching down to pick up the items still on the floor.
I stood and put the load back into her arms.  I looked at Emerella's face, which was turned downward, and I noticed that she was blushing.  She still never met my gaze when she turned and continued in the direction she was going earlier.
"Eh hem."  I turned to see Lady Colummer standing in the doorway.  "That was not very proper, young man."
Ugh, was all I could think when I plastered a fake smile onto my lips and mustered up the kindest voice I could. "Yes, Lady Colummer.  I'm sorry, Lady Colummer."  I walked away before she could say anything else.
On my way back to the chambers, I encountered another servant.  "Excuse me."
"Yes, your highness?"
"I left a large pile of books in the top level of the library.  I don't want to go back there and risk another encounter with Lady Colummer.  Would you go fetch them, and bring them to my chamber library?"
The servant laughed a bit before saying, "Yes, your highness," and walking off to do as I asked.
Suddenly, a large gust of wind whipped through the corridor and I had to cover my face to avoid getting windburn.  I had grown to recognise this gust of wind and wasn't surprised when I saw the princess standing in front of me when I opened my eyes.  "You have learned a lot in the past hours.  I even hear your speech becoming more like what you would hear from a prince."
"Is that a compliment?  Because I would gladly take one right now."
"It is what you want it to be.  I was simply just making an observation."
"Why are you here?"
The princess sighed. "Do you want the excuse I gave to my attendants or the real reason?"
I didn't say anything.  I just gave her a concerned look.
"Well, to be completely honest, I wanted someone to talk to.  I don't know why, but for some reason, I feel as if I can be more open with you.  Even more than Lance, and he's been my best friend since we were small children."
"So you feel it too?  A connection?"
"I don't know why, but yes.  I mean, I've only known you for a very short amount of time."
"I understand.  We shouldn't talk here."
"I know a safe place.  Meet me at the palace gates in half an hour, and be sure to wear proper riding attire."
"Yes, princess."  I rushed off to my chambers and rang the bell for Emerella.
She walked in a few moments later.  "Do you need something, your highness?"
"Yes.  I am going riding, and I must be dressed in the proper attire.  Will you please go fetch my clothes?"
"Of course, your highness," she said with a slight bow, and she went to a nearby dresser.
I rushed to the mirror and checked my appearance. Eh, not bad.  Emerella came around and undressed me of everything except the white shirt and black trousers.  She then dressed me in a more comfortable, less flashy, outfit.  Then, she brought out a belt that had a sheath attached to it.  I was confused as she put the belt around my waist and buckled it in the front.  She then went to another part of the room, and came back, carrying a sword.  It looked nicely made, and it had a gold plated handle.  One large sapphire gleamed in the hilt of the sword.
I raised my eyebrows, and Emerella simply stated, "For your protection."  She smiled slightly.  "It also looks too nice to not wear when one can."  She handed the sword to me, and I gently slid it into the sheath.  "Wow," she said.  I looked at her.  "It looks nice on its wearer, and its wearer looks nice wearing it."  She lifted her eyes from the sword and met my gaze, but only for a split second.  She immediately blushed and looked at the ground.  "I am sorry.  That was uncalled for."
"No, it's fine."  She was still blushing as she walked out of the room.  I couldn't help but smile.  I loved the way her red cheeks complimented her dark hair when she blushed.  I just wish she wouldn't rush out the way she did.
I checked myself in the mirror one last time, then almost ran to the gates.  I slowed down to a fast walk because I wanted to make it look like and it took great effort to make it seem that I was only going for a short ride.  Finally, I reached the gates, where I found the princess in her half deer, half human form.  Remora was also there, still wearing the saddle from earlier.  I got onto her back, and the princess galloped off.
I followed the princess down a road that went through the town.  A random, flying tomato hit me suddenly in the side of the head.  It was followed by a shout saying, "You put us into this mess!"  Another tomato hit my head.  I ignored the people who threw them and hurried to ride Remora alongside the princess.  She looked at me, and the look on her face was of amusement. 
"They blame you for the disaster yesterday?"
"Yes!"  I said as I dodged another tomato.  They began flying at my head in greater numbers.
The princess started laughing. "It seems they are bold enough to challenge their prince with rotten fruit!"  The people also seemed to be doing it more out of amusement than actual anger.
"Let them! It might make them feel better."  My mood was almost carefree, and we both laughed as I dodged the flying fruit.
We eventually exited the town, and I could relax a bit.  We passed a few travellers, and they all seemed amused at my fruity garments.  We rode for a while, toward the mountains, and when no one was around, I looked at the princess.  "We can talk now.  No one is here to overhear our conversation."
"I wouldn't be so sure.  Bandits often hide in the rocks beside these roads.  I would rather wait until we reach our destination."
As if on cue, an arrow flew from the side of the road and struck me in the arm.  Thankfully, Emerella had dressed me in chain armor, so I would only have a bruise later.  Even so, it still hurt quite a bit, and the force of it knocked me off of Remora.
"Connor!"  The princess quickly changed into a full human, and rushed to my aid.  Before she could reach me, a swarm of nearly ten rugged men charged at us, and the princess was suddenly forced to fight several of them at once.  A blue aura seemed to surround her, and what seemed to be blue flames erupted from her hands and engulfed the attacking men.
I didn't have time to think about what she was doing because approximately three men moved to attack me.  I jumped up, and grabbed my sword.  A rush of adrenaline shot through my veins and I was ready for a fight.  I tightened the grip on my sword and charged. 
I swung my sword once, and it was easily evaded by the man I was after.  He came around for a counterstrike, but I was ready for it.  I blocked his strike, and suddenly moved my sword in such a way that his flew straight from his grasp.  His last look was of terrified awe before I sliced his throat.  I faltered when I saw the crimson liquid dripping from my sword.  I had just killed that man.
I had no time for remorse, for the second man was now coming towards me.  Suddenly an arrow flew past my head.  I realized that right now, the archer was the most dangerous of the men.  I turned and raced towards the rock I knew he was behind.  I dodged two more arrows before I reached him.  When he realized that I was so close, he turned and ran.  A blue glow suddenly engulfed him, so I guessed that the princess had the same idea.  I turned to fight the second man, and this time, he pulled the first attack.  I easily blocked it with a simple upward stroke of my sword, and his mistake left his chest vulnerable.  He realized this just a second too late when my sword penetrated his heart.
I turned, ready for another attack, but I realized that all the men were down.  The princess stood several paces away, looking at me in awe.  "That was astounding. I did not realize you received any training in sword combat."
I was still surprised at how easily I had just killed those men. "Not here.  My favorite hobby back home was fencing, and I was good at it."  My heart was still beating fast, and I struggled to catch my breath.
"Prince Connor, that seemed more than a simple hobby."
"What do you mean?"
"Your fighting, it was...  It was almost as if... I've seen it before.  No, it can't be.  You are just very skillful at wielding a sword.  Well done."

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