Chapter 15

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After finding the nearest road, we began just simply walking towards town. I rolled in the dirt like a small child to make my perfectly white shirt look old and more like something a common man would wear. I would be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy the quick roll in the dirt. It helped lighten my mood a bit, too since I was still frustrated about having to stop in a dangerous area to discuss something that seemed irrelevant. I had to, though, because the servant insisted that it was important, and I didn't want to walk into a situation I knew nothing about.

So, I found myself walking along with a man I barely knew to find out why he couldn't go to Galoddem where, I insisted, was the safest place to be. "Now, explain, Ruphean."

"Okay. I'll start from the beginning. When I was a young boy, my father was... a very important man."

"Important how?" I interrupt, wanting to know every detail of the story that halted my journey.

"He.... he was a knight... for Lord Krolyn and the Great Mother before the depression."

"He worked in the Sky Kingdom?"

"Yes. Well, until my mother died in childbirth. After that, he just faded slowly until he died, too."

"I'm sorry."

"No, it's not painful anymore, but it was then. The only one who seemed to be there for me was Krolyn. It was nearly halfway through those hard times, and he was just starting to show signs of being taken over by dark magic. Everyone told me not to trust him, but I was on his side. He convinced me to hate Galoddem and everyone in it, so I did. When he split from the kingdom and left his daughter to clean up his mess, I followed him. I didn't even look back."

I immediately regretted my impatience and frustration I had with Ruphean earlier. "And that's why you can't go back."

"I betrayed them. All of them. I was best friends with Princess Rubell and Lance. His dad was also a knight."

"I know. I've met Lance, though I can't say we're on the best of terms."

"I could never face them again. After all these years... They probably wouldn't even recognize me, but if they did, they'd just have me executed or banished."

"No they wouldn't. I know both of them very well. I know Rubell would forgive you the moment she laid eyes on you, and even though Lance and I aren't friends, I know he would do the same."

"No. Not after my betrayal. You don't know the half of it."

"Then tell me."

"I can't"

"Ruphean, I'm trying to help you."

"Fine!" he said suddenly, almost shouting. "I poisoned Rubell's mother! I made her sick! I will have killed the Great Mother!..." He paused, wide-eyed, as if he was surprised by his own words.

I was speechless. I just stared wide-eyed back at him.

"So now you know. I can't go back to that place; to the only friends I've ever had, without losing my head, literally."

"Why would you do such a thing?"

"Lord Krolyn made me. He told me we would always be friends, and that he would never forsake me. He made me poison the princess, too, but she caught me lacing her food. I wasn't able to complete the deed, and I'm very glad of it. She later put two and two together, realising that her mother fell ill because of me."

I felt sorry for the boy.

"So now you know. I cannot go back, no matter what."

"Was dark magic used on you?"

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