Chapter 11

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A week and a half has passed. The temperatures are growing colder us to our going north, and our supplies have begun running low. The relationship between me and the men I have come here with has only grown into a sort of friendship, but it was hard to judge what they really thought of me because I was at least three years younger than the youngest guard. The relationship between me and Emerella has not had the same effect, though. Our only conversations are like those of just two friends, and when any subject of our feelings would arise, she would close up. I could see that this adventure has been good for her. I think she was never meant to spend her days in a castle. She was meant to be free and run. This journey has provided her with that opportunity, and I could tell it lifted her spirits.

I thought a lot about what we would encounter in the far northern reaches of Galoddem. People seldom traveled up there, and those that did often don't come back. I have concluded, though, that this risk was worth taking, for one thing we do know is that the main warlox colonies resided in the fields that stretched several thousand kilometers in each direction. They have created almost their own kingdom. It's just within Torgual, and it has no borders. I have learned from books in the library that warloxes are like large wolves, and their habits are also like those of wolves. They form packs and defend their territories. I know that their support would at least buy more time for the princess and give us a better chance against the non-magical attacks that Lord Krolyn throws at Galoddem. Several other kingdoms have also sent out parties to rally the support of the more uncivilized creatures.

Our journey has been strangely peaceful so far. Not one group of bandits or one wild animal has hindered us so far, well, unless you would count the ground squirrel that spooked Charles's volta and caused a very funny scene of him falling to the ground and running wildly to catch up to his fleeing mount. I smiled at the thought. It was strange. I completely expected to have at least some trouble with roughs, especially in Storm Valley, which we have already passed.

Now, we were camped in a small clearing. This was the place that we were expecting to meet up with some of the Torgan guards. Queen Grecella LaMov insisted that if I was to travel through her kingdom on this dangerous mission, then she would provide an escort group to lead us the rest of the way to the warlox territories.

We were all sat around a warm fire, roasting several squirrels that we had hunted during the day. The men laughed and told stories, though there was little to talk and laugh about now that the excitement of the adventure had worn off. I just simply ate my bit of meat and waited for sleep to overcome me.


The next morning, I awoke to the sound of several footsteps entering the clearing. I sat up suddenly as did the others. Our surprise was short-lived, though because the group entering the clearing was four men, each dressed in Torgan armor. I stood to greet them.

"Prince Connor of Bright Wood, we come on behalf of our queen to take you to your destination."

"Yes, I am glad you're here." Only two of the four men looked human. One of the others had grey-ish brown fur and a dog-like snout, no doubt having warlox kin, and the other had just a bit of the same muddled fur. It made sense, for if warloxes were around here, it could only be assumed that the warlox gene would be more prevalent in the people here. "My men and I are ready to head out."

"Then we will leave immediately."

We packed up the small camp and began traveling again.

Nothing exciting or eventful happened the entire day. It was soon evening, and the sun was setting slowly in the horizon directly behind us. I was tired, and my eyes started drooping. Suddenly, a realization occurred in my head. "Guards, we are to be traveling north, towards the great cold plains. Why are we going east, for the sun is setting behind us?"

The four men in the front of the party stopped and looked at each other. They then looked at me and one of them made a sudden dash for his bow and arrows. The others grabbed their swords. Panic overcame me and I almost couldn't move as I watched an arrow pierce straight through Opum's chest. I screamed as he fell to the ground. I began moving towards Emerella, taking my sword from its sheath. I pulled Remora up beside her white Volta and stood between her and the sudden attack. Charles, Pestus, and Yamund drew out their swords and began forming a counterattack. I was grateful for their quick minds which have been developed over a lifetime of training. As my men fought to protect me, another arrow came flying and hit Pestus in the shoulder. He shouted and fell to the ground, but he wasn't dead, only disabled. Charles was quickly struck down by a smooth swipe of an enemy's sword. Yamund managed to take down their archer, but doing that allowed for the attackers to get to him. They grabbed his arms and tied them behind his back before he could even break free of their grasp. Adrenaline now coursing through my veins, I jumped off of Remora and engaged the closest man. I held my own against him until another joined the fight. I was soon just as helpless as Yamund, for my arms had been tied behind my back as well.

In the background, I could hear Emerella screaming. She was being dragged from her mount and tied as well. The man that looked the most like a wolf picked up a large stone and hit it hard over Yamund's head. He fell straight to the ground like a rag doll.

I shouted, "You monsters! What are you doing?!" They ignored me as the wolf man raised the stone in front of me and paused.

I glared at him. I was afraid to speak again. He lowered the stone. "No, I'll let you watch your lady friend get hit first." He walked the distance to her and she met the same fate as Yamund when the stone connected with her head, creating a sickening thud sound, her screams cut off suddenly by the cruel man.

"How dare you hit her! She's done nothing wrong, same as my men!"

"Oh, hush Prince Connor. Poor Prince Connor. Our queen wants to see you," he said with a smirk, and he raised the stone to my head and brought it own. Only darkness was what I saw as I felt my knees buckle.

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