Chapter 16

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A great white beast now circled above our heads. Each of its scales were visible because it was so close to where we stood. Each one shown with such a brilliant white that it was almost painful to look at. A roll of thunder exploded from the creature's wings each time they beat the air. The situation was all too similar to the one I experienced in Torgual just a couple days earlier.

I pushed Ruphean to the side of the road and shouted, "Run!" We took off through the trees and ran as fast as we could. Branches stung my face like needles, and my feet kept slipping on the uneven ground.

As if by fate, a small cave entrance caught my eye in the near distance. I pointed it out to Ruphean, and we ran strait into its mouth.

The cave only reached about a meter in depth, so we pushed against each other in order to fit inside. After a bit of struggling, we sat completely still and listened for the dragon. We could still hear its wings beating as it got closer and closer. Then, a thud, when it landed. It was right behind the cave; out of our view, yet still a very ominous presence.

It stopped. Silence. The only thing I could hear was the beating of both mine and Ruphean's hearts. I fumbled in my pouch for the seeing crystal and pulled it out, but the blue stone was as clear as could be. I silently hit it on the ground out of frustration and shoved it back where it came from.

For so long, not a sound was made, and I almost made a move to search outside of the cave when a voice broke through inside my head.

"Children." I looked at Ruphean, and by the look in his eyes, I could tell he heard the voice as well. "I am sorry I frightened you, but I mean you no harm." The voice was female and was very soft and warm. Still, I couldn't believe what the dragon said. I tried to push through with my mind to the dragon, but there was a sticky barrier in my mind. I couldn't communicate back with the dragon.

Then I felt a new presence in my mind. "How are we to know that you are being truthful?" Ruphean's voice rang. I looked at him with a confused look on my face, and he returned it with a confident nod. He spoke again. "How do we know that you will not take us away from here and right back to Lord Krolyn's palace?"

"I suppose you cannot know, but what good will it do you to stay cowering in a cave? You know a dragon's patience far outweighs that of any other creature."

Ruphean leans over to me and whispers, "She does have a point."

I whisper back, "How are you doing that?"

"It's a gift only given by one of them. I've met a dragon before. Voden, actually."

"Krolyn's dragon?"

"Yes. I was his servant for a while. We had to be able to communicate. Now, that white dragon has a point. We should just go up there and take her for her word, that she really doesn't mean to hurt us."

"You're trusting it?"

"Yes, I am trusting her. Dragons aren't known for being dishonest."

"At least learn more about it."

He gave me an annoyed look, then corrected me, "Her. Don't treat them like simple animals." Keeping eye contact with me, he proceeded to speak to the dragon. "What is your name, dragon?"

"I am Rha-Shai, daughter of Kimku who is is the son of the dragon King Brenkah, but you may simply call me Rah."

"Okay, Rha. Where are you from?"

"I come from the lands north of Galoddem; even north of the warlox packs."

"Why were you looking for us."

"I was sent."

"By whom?"

"I will explain everything if you only trust me. I can prove to you that I do not come from Krolyn."


"Does the name Yamund sound familiar to you, young prince? Maybe Pestus? Ronan?" She paused. "Emerella?"

My eyes went wide, and I stormed out of the cave, quickly followed by Ruphean who tried to hold me back but to no prevail. I rounded the cave and looked up at the huge dragon sitting several paces behind the entrance. "What have you done with my friends, dragon?!" I pointed up to the creature to emphasize my words.

Through a soft purring sound, the dragon said, "Do not be angry with me. I do not know what you said to me, but I can tell that you are worried for your friends. If you get on my back, I will take you to my village where they await your arrival. Now, step closer to me so that I can allow you to communicate with me."

Reluctantly, I did as she said, and she bent her huge head towards me and breathed a heavy breath on me. Suddenly, the sticky barrier in my mind disappeared, and I pushed through to the dragon's mind. "You mean my friends are okay?"

"You're friends remain unharmed."

I breathed a sigh of relief and turned to Ruphean. He gave me a reassuring nod, and I looked back at the dragon. "You promise that I can trust you?"

She gave a graceful bow of her head and looked at me. "I cannot speak for all of my kind, but for those of my village, I say to you that we believe in the land you will create when you are king. We wish not for any harm to come your way."

I looked up at her and into her large, intelligent eyes. They held no sign of dishonesty, only kindness. I could only believe that she really meant what she said. "Thank you, Rha-Shai."

I suddenly remembered Nox. I put my hand to the connecting stone still around my neck and felt a connection between her mind and mine. "Nox. Where are you?"

I felt her presence enter my mind as she spoke back. "Do not worry, young prince. The dragon has spoken to me, and I am on my way back into the Sky Kingdom because the princess has called upon a legion of griffons to help fight in Galoddem."

"Why didn't you tell me about the dragon?"

"I wanted you to meet her for yourself."

"So, you trust her?"

"She has shown me her village crest. She is who she says she is. Don't worry, Connor."  It was the first time she actually called me by my name instead of by my title. "Go to your friends. Go to Emerella."

I became confused for a moment because I didn't think she knew about how I felt about Emerella. "Wha--"

"Connor, I am your servant, your griffon... your friend. I can see that you feel a great deal about this girl."

"Thank you, Nox." That was the last thing said before she drew her mind out of mine, and I looked back up at the dragon who just sat patiently. I spoke out loud, "I will come with you." She smiled and turned so that I could climb onto her back, but before I got on, I looked at Ruphean. "You are sure that you do not want to come?"

"Yes. I will stay here and continue my life in the town." I climbed onto the dragon's back. "Perhaps one day we'll meet again, Prince Connor."

"Perhaps." I gave a final smile to my new friend as Rah-Shai stood, roared into the air, and gave a solid beat of her wings which took us into the sky.

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