Author's Note/ "Deep Thoughts"

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Ahhh I don't usually put these at the beginnings of my fanfics (cause it really ticks me off when other people do it...) buuuut...

This is dedicated to kittysans , the beautiful person who requested this.

I had already been wanting to do this, but I wasn't really sure about it.

Thank you for requesting it! <3

And, this story may not be as terrible as Loner was, but I'll try.

I really haven't been depressed lately, and I usually tend to write based on my current emotions.

Such as, if I'm depressed, the main character will be depressed.

If I'm angry, the character will be angry.

If I'm confused about life, the character will be confused.

If I'm feeling like writing deep crap (pulling a Karamatsu), then the character will say some "deep" stuff.

Do you understand?

Yes? Yes. Good.

Moving on, here is a little something I wrote, dedicated to Ichimatsu (my precious husband).

This should maybe help describe how it feels to be surrounded by tons of people, but you're still ignored and alone. (Me)


"Deep Thoughts" ~ by Petunia Paisley

My thoughts are like the ocean
They're never soft nor sweet
They're always tossing my feelings around and landing at my feet
It's always hard to smile, when your head is full of salt
I live in this ocean, drowning in this misery
Each day is a struggle
It's hard when you're alone
I want someone to come save me, but who would want to risk their life by entering my oceans of worry and sorrow?
I'll just continue to cry out until my voice is hoarse.
Even if nobody cares to listen to me, surely I will at least be trying.
You can't say that I didn't try to help myself.
I'm still drowning
I'm struggling to keep my breath
You know that, right?


Just trying to set the mood SHSHSHSH

C,: now, let's get on with this brand new story, shall we?

N O T I C E :


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