Chapter Eight

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"My brothers!" Karamatsu exclaimed, pulling open the front door, his eyes shimmering with his normal painfulness. "We're home!"

Todomatsu let out a snicker as he slipped off his light pink shoes then stretched.

"You won so much today!" Todomatsu exclaimed obnoxiously on purpose, trying to get someone's attention.

And just like that, Osomatsu was standing a few feet away from them.

"Please share," Osomatsu said, but it sounded much more like an order.

"My brother," Karamatsu said, approaching his brother, wrapping his arm around his older brother's neck. "I worked hard for this. I cannot always take care of you."

"When have you ever," Osomatsu began, but quickly stopped when he heard the bathroom faucet turn on.

"He's still alive..." he thought, pushing Karamatsu off of him, his eyes losing all their normal laziness mixed with cheerfulness.

"What's wrong?" Todomatsu asked, tilting his head just like a dog would. And Osomatsu couldn't help but admit how adorable it was when Totty did such.

"Oh, nothing," Osomatsu said with a snort, rubbing under his nose while forcing himself to smile.

"I have to urinate!" Karamatsu suddenly yelled, crossing his legs as he began to hop towards the bathroom. And to his utter shock and pain, he found that the bathroom door wouldn't budge when he attempted to pull it open. It was clearly locked.

Todomatsu began to titter, but once Osomatsu let out a loud sigh, he stopped. It wasn't locked for any old reason.

Knocking on the door, Osomatsu, once again, began to yell at Choromatsu. Though, his words weren't the least bit mean.

"Unlock the door, Choromatsu!" Osomatsu yelled, pulling on the door as Karamatsu hopped around him, losing all the dignity he possibly had left. That, of course, wasn't very much dignity, but it was just enough to bother him.

There was no reply, as usual.

"Stop being so quiet today!" Osomatsu yelled more loudly. "Did you fall asleep while taking a freaking dump! You're not anything like Ichimatsu! Only he'd do something like that!"

"What are you saying about me...?" Ichimatsu growled, walking down the stairs with Jyushimatsu. Osomatsu had almost completely forgotten that they were even up there. "Surely it wasn't anything...deceitful, now was it?"

Ichimatsu, once he reached the bottom of the stairs, grabbed Osomatsu by the neck of his hoodie and weakly threw him out of the way.

"What's wrong?" Jyushimatsu exclaimed, innocently wondering why everyone was crowded around the bathroom door.

"Choromatsu pulled an Ichimatsu," Osomatsu snorted, really hoping that was just the case.

"What the heck do you mean, an 'Ichimatsu'?" Ichimatsu spat, preparing to punch Osomatsu.

And quickly, Jyushimatsu leapt at Ichimatsu, hugging him tightly.

"It's okay, nii-san! Osomatsu is joking!" Jyushimatsu laughed.

"What if pulling an Ichimatsu isn't just falling asleep while taking a dump..." Osomatsu thought worriedly, tugging on the door again. "What if Choromatsu was hurting himself..."

"I have to urinate!" Karamatsu wailed in pain, crossing his legs even more than before.

"Go outside then," Ichimatsu hissed darkly, still not enjoying the fact that Osomatsu had spoken a lie about him.

"Screw this!" Osomatsu yelled, kicking the door as hard as he could with his foot. "Why do locks have to work so well?!"

"I'll get the door open!" Jyushimatsu laughed, as Todomatsu, who had been texting the whole scenario to a friend, actually looked up from his phone in curiosity.

"How do you plan on doing that?" Todomatsu asked.

Jyushimatsu didn't reply, his eyes wide with excitement as he made a fist with his hand and punched the door as hard as he could.

And to everyone's surprise, Jyushimatsu had punched a hole in the door, just large enough for him to reach his hand inside to unlock it. Of course, this hole would be a great inconvenience in future bathroom trips, but Jyushimatsu clearly didn't care. He probably didn't even realize he had caused damage to their parent's property.

As the door easily slid open, Osomatsu and everyone else (except for Karamatsu who was off peeing outside, most like in a place where the entire world could see), gasped in shock at what they saw.

On the floor, right before their eyes, lay an unconscious Choromatsu. The entire bathroom reeked of a strange stench that smelled something like vomit and blood (bomit, as Jyushimatsu insisted on calling it).

"He's just out like a light, isn't he?" Ichimatsu muttered, a sadistic smile spreading across his face while his brothers weren't looking.

"Let's take him to the sofa," Osomatsu said seriously, kneeling down beside his unconscious brother's head, lifting it up.

And with a great deal of screwed up "team work", the four brothers managed to get Choromatsu back where he belonged: in a room where they could all keep an eye on him

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