Chapter Eighteen

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Choromatsu glanced over at the alarm clock beside his bed, feeling greatly discouraged knowing he had slept more than he normally would have.

With a tired, depressive sigh, Choromatsu rolled out of his bed, still wearing his clothes from when he was on the plane. He had been so tired, he hadn't even taken the time to properly care for himself.

With great haste, Choromatsu stared at himself in his hotel room's bathroom mirror, brushing his hair so he didn't look as dead.

"I'll be there in just a minute, Osomatsu," Choromatsu thought, rummaging through his duffel bag, hoping to find a less wrinkled outfit to wear. "And, if that was you in my dream, you better be okay. Because if you lied to me, I'll never be able to forgive you..."

Choromatsu pulled his green hoodie off as well as his pants, and quickly slipped on his green plaid shirt and khaki pants.

One last time, he stared at himself in the mirror. He definitely looked dead tired, and there was no way he could change that.

Knowing he had now wasted enough time getting ready to leave, Choromatsu took off out of his hotel room, ran down the hallway of the hotel, took the stairs instead of the elevator, skipped the breakfast bar, and exited the building. He had to see his brother this time, and he wasn't going to allow a stupid American nurse hold him back.

Choromatsu quickly ran across the street, looking both ways before he crossed, of course, the approached the hospital at a much slower pace.

"Osomatsu..." Choromatsu thought, his hands in anxious fists. " okay..."

The hospital doors slid open, filling Choromatsu's nostrils with a sickening, clean smell. He hadn't noticed how bad it had smelled the day before, even though it smelled really clean.

"This reminds me of when Ichimatsu..." Choromatsu stopped his thoughts, shaking his head. "If I think of Ichimatsu instead of Osomatsu, my focus obviously won't be entirely on him...I can't do that. It wouldn't be right for me to do such a thing."

"Choromatsu Matsuno?" a nurse called out to him, holding up a clipboard. "Your brother has been out of surgery for a few hours now, so you can go see him now. Things aren't looking so great, but I'm sure you expected such."

Choromatsu just nodded his head and smiled, not having a clue what the nurse just told him. Although, she seemed to want him to follow her, so he did just that until he found himself walking down a long hallway of doors.

"Your brother may be a bit groggy still, but he's in here," the nurse said with a smile as she stopped in front of one of the many doors, preparing to open it.

"What is she even saying...?" Choromatsu thought. "I've literally forgotten everything I learned yesterday...great."

The nurse briskly pushed open the door to Osomatsu's room and ushered Choromatsu inside, still holding a smile on her face. By now, Choromatsu could clearly tell that all the happiness that her smile held, was just a lie. There was absolutely nothing to be happy about in Osomatsu's room.

Choromatsu walked in, finding that he could only see the end of the hospital bed, for a wall was blocking his view from his brother. Nervous anticipation began to build up inside Choromatsu, butterflies in his stomach.

He stopped walking for a moment, keeping himself from seeing his brother. Choromatsu was legitimately frightened, not knowing what to even expect. He had never once encountered someone who had been in a fatal plane crash, let alone, saw them almost two days after such a disaster.

"I'll be happier if I just stay right here, right...?" Choromatsu thought nervously, his legs beginning to tremble. "If I don't move forward, Osomatsu will never even know I'm here, right...?"

Yet for some reason, Choromatsu stumbled foreword several feet, his eyes catching a glimpse of his brother. That is, if the nearly purple person even was his brother.

"C-Cho..." Osomatsu wheezed, his entire head wrapped up except for around his nose and mouth. "C-Ch-Choro...m-matsu..."

"Osomatsu don't force yourself to talk," Choromatsu said quickly, completely ignoring the betrayal he felt. Osomatsu had lied to him. Nothing was okay.

"I-I'm g-glad y-yo-you came," Osomatsu wheezed, then began to hack and retch, soon vomiting into a shallow tub on his hospital bed.

"I'm not okay with this..." Choromatsu thought, tears filling his eyes as Osomatsu began to puke again, spurts of blood coming up with it. "You're a liar, Osomatsu. You told me you'd be fine. You promised..."

"I-I'm sorry," Osomatsu choked, his voice a bit more clear once he had finished puking, trying to wipe his mouth with the extra bandage that was hanging off of his left hand like a mummy. "I wasn't doing so well just then."

"Clearly..." Choromatsu said, his voice getting a little bit higher pitched.

"Are you about to cry?" Osomatsu asked, grinning as he snorted a little bit. "I don't appreciate you crying over me, you know. Look at me! I'm just fine, just a few more days and I can leave this retched place!"

"Don't lie..." Choromatsu whimpered. "You're not fine at all!"

And to Choromatsu's luck, another nurse entered the room, asking him to leave so Osomatsu could get some more rest.

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