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It's early in the morning. I wake up, and look around my room.
I have lots of stuff, but my room is mostly filled with books.

"Oh, crap! What day is it today!?" I quickly realize that I have something important, even though it's so early.
I look at my phone, and see that it's Saturday. It's also six in the morning. Why did I wake up so early on a Saturday? Usually I sleep until noon without even realizing it.
But thankfully, there's a few more hours until I have to go.
I drag myself out of bed, but then just lay on the floor. I'm so lazy, which probably why I'm so bad at life.

I look for something decent to wear, since I'm having to actually do something important today.
What I immediately see is an (F/C) shirt with a with a picture of a bee on it. It was cute, so I decided to wear it.

I finish getting ready, and decide to play some games. I decide to check and see if my friend is on. We've never met in real life, but we're still god friends. He claims to be a hacker, but I find it a bit hard to believe. He's also a nerd, just like you. You hope you could meet him, some day.

Just as I suspected, he was on. He usually is at this time.

"Hey, you're on!"

"Duh, I'm always on. Unlike you, since you decided to keep me waiting."

"Yeah, whatever. It's not like you do anything important!"

"I will blow up your computer if you don't shut up and join the match"

"Sure you will."

We play video games for a few hours, and I realize It's almost time for me to leave.

"Sorry, I have to go. I have important stuff to do. Bye!"

"You still suck at this game. Bye!"

I roll my eyes and start getting ready to leave, still wishing I had more time to play. It was fun to win then watch him get mad and threaten to blow up your various devices.

I quickly run to the bus stop. Since I really don't trust myself to drive a car, and I can't afford one anyways, I just use public transportation. I do meet some really strange people, though.

When the bus comes, I see one of my friends riding near the back. Of course, she has to make me walk past everybody to get to her.

Because for some reason the universe hates me, the bus driver stops suddenly, sending me flying across the bus. Expecting to slam against a seat or something, I close my eyes and hope for the best. But to my surprise, something stops me.

I open my eyes and see a guy standing there, holding me. Without waiting, I quickly stand up and make sure I'm fine.

"It looks like you just fell for me, darling." he says, smiling.

The entire bus starts cheering for him, and I feel my face turning red.
"Thank you for helping me." I say quietly, trying not to die at how cute he is.

He has black hair, and he's wearing blue and red glasses. An odd choice of glasses, but he still looks cute in them. He's wearing a yellow shirt, and he somehow looks really calm, even though he is literally the smoothest guy in the universe.

"I'm Sollux. And I think you're friend wants you to go see her." I see my best friend, Nepeta, smiling at me. She is never going to let me forget about any of this.

I quickly sit down next to her, waiting for her to start fangirling over this. The entire bus is still staring at me, and Sollux is sitting next to two people. One of them is a guy who looks really mad, and the other is a girl in a red dress, who's playing with her long, black hair.

Sollux pulls out his phone, signaling that he was no longer interested in my stupid, fangirly self.
I get a notification on my phone, which I use as an excuse to ignore John and his attempts at embarrassing me.

It was my internet friend again.


"Oh, really? Well, you'll have to compete with somebody who may be the smoothest guy on the planet."

"You won't be saying that after I tell you what I did!"

"Then tell me."

"Okay, so I was riding the bus with two of my friends, and the bus suddenly stops. Then, this girl goes flying across the bus, and I catch her. Then without thinking I said "It looks like you just fell for me" and the entire bus started cheering and clapping"

"Wait a minute. Is your name Sollux?"

"How do you know that? I never told you my name."

"Oh, yes you did. You just did. On the bus you're currently riding. I'm the girl you just caught."


Looking up from my phone, I see that Sollux is now staring at me. Then his angry friend starts trying to get his attention, then gives up and takes his phone. Then he's staring at me, too.

"Nepeta, I just met my internet friend." I whisper, still staring at Sollux.

The Bee Boy (Sollux x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now