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Nepeta immediately stops teasing you as soon as you tell her you've met your internet friend. She's always thought you two were cute together, for whatever reason.
You go back to messaging Sollux.

"Hey, stop staring at me. It's kind of weird."

"Oh sorry. It's just kinda strange, I imagined you different in my head. Also, I didn't think I would have met you by stoping you from flying across a bus."

"Yeah, this definitely isn't how I imagined meeting you."

My talking to Sollux is cut short by Nepeta getting up and pushing you over to him.

"Hi there." He's smiling at me, looking a bit amused.

"Hello again."

"Hey can you idiots be quiet for a minute, I'm trying to think and you're really annoying." His angry friend says, obviously not very happy with me.

"Karkat shut up, this is the first time getting to meet a girl I've wanted to meet for years, and your thoughts won't disappear if I'm talking to her."
Sollux is really kind, regardless of his endless raging during our time spent gaming.

"Oh! This is where I get off. I'll see you later Sollux!"

"Wait! At least tell me your name, since you know mine."

"It's (Y/N). Now, bye Sollux!" I wave at him and follow Nepeta off the bus.

As soon as we're off, Nepeta starts dancing around.
"I KNEW IT!" She squeals.

"Knew what?" I hope this isn't another thing about her obsession with relationship boats.

"I ship it! I ship it so much!" She's still dancing around, earning a few stares from people walking past us.

"Will you act normal!?" I hiss at her.

"Right, sorry. But you two are so cute together!" She squeals.

"Yeah, whatever. Anyways, you said this is important, let's go."

We're walking towards a big building, where Nepeta wants us to go. She says this is important, but she won't tell me why.
We're almost there, when she stops.
"(Y/N), look!" She whispers happily. Since I'm actually pretty curious about what she's doing, I go have a look.
When I get to her, I see that she's looking right next to a trash can.

"What? What's so interesting?" I ask.

"Shh! Look closer." She scoots a little bit forwards.
I look closer, and see two bright green eyes peeking out from behind the trash. Those were definitely cat eyes.

"Oh, it's a kitten!" I hold out my hand, trying to get it to come to me.
Nepeta takes some food out of her purse, which makes the kitten come forwards. She puts the food down nearby, and the cat slowly comes over and eats it. She gives it some more, this time holding it in her hands. After a few more minutes of feeding it, the cat trusts her enough for her to pick it up.

"Oh, look, he's so cute!" The cat is so small he can fit in the pocket on the front of her shirt.

"It looks like he hasn't been fed in a while, other than what I just gave him. Maybe we should take him to get checked? Just in case." Nepeta looks at the small kitten.
He has one white ear and white paws, but since his fur is so dirty, it doesn't look very white.

"I'm going to name him Puff!" She says, still petting the small fluffball.

"Yeah, okay, now let's go! I hough you said this is important!" The kitten is very cute, but I really want to find out what she wants to do.

"Oh yeah! Well, we're actually going to get Puff a friend. Because, I was going to get a cat anyways. Kanaya told me that there's a cat that keeps showing up, but it's getting kind of annoying. So, I was going to take it!"

"So you're getting another cat? Of course." I roll my eyes. Usually she's pretty mature, but when animals are involved she wants every animal.

"Wait, but Kanaya doesn't live around here? She's moved in with Rose, remember?"

"Yeah, but the cat keeps following her around. So she said that when she comes around here, the cat will be nearby."

"AND I HAD TO COME WITH YOU?" Nepeta is my friend, but can be really annoying sometimes.

"Look, she's there now! Rose is with her."

We walk over to them, and we see that there's a cat following them, sitting a few feet behind them.
I go to say hi, but Nepeta immediately runs past them, and over to the cat.

"Oh, hello (Y/N)! I see that Nepeta has come to pick up her cat." Rose says, looking at the silly cat lover.

She's giving it food, just like she did with Puff.
The three of us talk until Nepeta comes back, holding both of her cats. Now that she's holding it, I get a better look at it.
This one is a girl, and she's light gray with big, yellow eyes. She also has really soft fur.

"I'm gonna name her Fluffy!" She says, smiling.

"Fluffy...? But, that's the least creative name ever."

"Well, it's more creative than calling her Kitty, isn't it?" She glares at me.

"Sure, whatever. Anyways, let's go. Bye Rose, Kanaya."

They wave and me and my crazy cat friend, and keep walking.

(This chapter must have been really boring, I'm sure. But this was written because of my friend, who died recently. Her username for everything was Fluffy Puff, and Sollux was her favorite character. So, yeah. This story will get somewhere, I promise!!)

The Bee Boy (Sollux x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now