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"Hey there." I whisper, still inches away from him. He was holding me so that I was inches away from his face, and laying on top of him. By how easily he carries me, I expect him to have abs. But hes actually kind of chubby.

"You know, I think I'm gonna make you stay here with me for a while. I like the view."
He's smiling, and I feel my face getting red. He doesn't look embarrassed at all by what he said, he actually looks... Almost proud of himself?

I try a few more times to get away, but he's too strong.
I sigh, and lay my head down on his chest. I might as well get comfortable, so doesn't seem to want to get up anytime soon.

I feel myself slowly getting sleepy, because he's surprisingly warm. It was nice. I pull the blanket up and around both of us, and slowly fall asleep, imagining things that might be a little bit inappropriate.
I feel him set me down next to him, and lay his arm back around me, before fully slipping into my dreams.

            ~Two hours later~

I'm still on my bed, like I was when I fell asleep, but Sollux isn't there. Before I can look for him, I feel my right arm stinging.

I pull up my sleeve, and I see that there's a long cut running down my arm.

"OWW NO IT HURTS!" I accidentally brush my hand against the raw skin, making the pain worse.

I run to the bathroom, looking to see if I can clean it. I get a cloth, run water over it, and wipe away the blood. It isn't even really that bad, it just hurts a lot.

I go downstairs to look for Sollux, shivering at the cold, wet feeling the water left on my arm.

"I can't find him, he must have gone home." I shrug, before going to the kitchen. I'm really hungry.

I grab a variety of snacks, and sit down on my couch. I might as well just wait, Nepeta will probably come over at some point.

Just as I suspected, Nepeta soon comes over. She's so quiet coming in that it startles me when she sits down next to me.

"Hi, (Y/N)! Is Sollux here?" She says, taking a handful of candy from my snacks.

"Nope. But, I did cut myself today. Not sure how it happened, but it was there when I woke up." I lift my arm so she can get a better look, and her eyes get wider as she looks.

"Oh no! How do you cut yourself in your sleep? That's so weird." She tilts her head, making her blue hat slide on her head.

"I'm not sure! But it's fine, it doesn't hurt much anymore. It's not like I'm going to die." Nepeta touches the raw skin, and I have to stop myself from hitting her hand away.

"Okay, well, I have to find Sollux. I hope your arm stops hurting!" She jumps off the couch, and waves a goodbye.

"Okay, bye I guess." She shuts the door before I can question why she wants to find Sollux.

I might as well see if he's logged in on, since I have nothing to do.

Reader Chan pulls out her phone and enters the game that I can't think of a name for

Hmm, he's not on. He's probably with Karkat. Even if they fight a lot, they do seem to have some sort of friendship going on. Oh well, I'll ask them about it later.

The Bee Boy (Sollux x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now