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            ~One week later~
            (Because Im lazy)

"SOLUUUUUUUXX!" I shout, dramatically flopping on the couch as I do so. I know he can't hear me, but I keep complaining. We were playing games together, and he's being the worst teammate. Or maybe I am. No, I'm the greatest. He's definitely the one failing.

Getting frustrated because he keeps letting the other team kill me, I throw my phone against the wall, hoping he loses without me. Then, I get a bunch of notifications.

I crawl back over to my phone, realizing I could have broken it.
Okay, it's fine. But why did I get a bunch of notifications?

"(Y/N)! I need you to come over. I have something important to show you!" Nepeta messages me, followed by a bunch of cat pictures.

I grab my (F/C) shoes and walk out the door. My cat loving friend lives nearby, so I don't worry about taking the bus.

I go inside of Nepetas house. I don't worry about knocking, she can always tell when I'm here.

"NEPETA!" I shout.

"(Y/N)!" She shouts back. That's kind of a thing we do. We shout at each other to tell where we are.
I hear her voice coming from her bedroom, and she sounds happy.
Walking into her bedroom, which is filled with pictures of cats, posters of various fictional characters, and sparkly things. Lots of sparkly things. I also see a pair of gloves with cat claws coming out of them, for when she acts like a cat. But they can be pretty dangerous.

"(Y/N)! Look at this." She holds up a picture of a (F/C) bunny and a little yellow bee. The bee is sitting on the Bunny's head.

"What's this...?" I ask, hoping it's not what I think it is. It's probably going to be about me and Sollux, knowing her.

"Sollux said you're his bunny. So, I drew you as a bunny! Then, since he likes bees, I drew a bee on top!" It doesn't even look like a drawing, it looks like a photo. She must have worked really heard on this.

"I want you to keep it somewhere at your house!" She chirps, obviously proud of her picture.

"Sure! I'll keep it in my bedroom. I have a good place for it." I admire the drawing, it really is nice.

I get a call from Sollux.

"(Y/N), where are you?"

"At Nepetas house. Why?"

"I have food for you."

"Describe this food."

"I have cheesecake and chocolate and some other stuff."

"You're the greatest guy ever. I might fall in love with you, if you keep bringing me food."

"Well, then, I'll have to bring lots of food, won't I? Come get your sugar."

"Okay, I'll be there soon. The door is unlocked, you can go inside if you want."

I hang up, then start running to the door, shouting a goodbye to Nepeta.

"HAVE FUN WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND!" She shouts as I leave.

"SHUT UP!" I shout back.

I'm looking down as I run, watching the cracks in the sidewalk as I run past. I'm actually pretty hungry, so now is my chance to spend a lot of time with the bee boy.

I arrive at my house. I look at the door, which has old, peeling red paint on it. I push it open, expecting Sollux to be there.

But he's not.

"HEY MISTER BEE! GET YER BUTT DOWN HERE NOW!" I shout. He must be upstairs.

He walks downstairs, looking calm.

"Finally, you're here. I almost ate the food without you!" He says, his lips twitching upwards into a smile.

"HOW DARE YOU THINK ABOUT STEALING MY FOOD!" I shout dramatically, making a horrified expression.

"Yeah, whatever. Now come on, I bought all this chocolate for you!" He says, walking over to the sweet mountain of happiness.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask, sitting down on the couch with four cupcakes and a slice of cheesecake.

"Let's play video games instead."

"BOOOORING! You never help as my teammate, and you always cheat when you're fighting me."

"Don't you mean I'm better then you?" He says, a hint of amusement in his voice.

I stick my tongue out at him, and he pokes my nose.
I push his hand away playfully, then take a giant bite out of one of my cupcakes.

"Come on, let's play video games. I'm gonna beat you, this time!" I say excitedly. I've actually gotten much better.

"Hah, you won't. I'm the king of this game!" He says, starting a match.

         ~Four hours later~

Sollux and I have been playing video games for a really long time now. It's getting pretty late.

"HOLY- Oh I thought it said it was nine in the morning, but I was wrong." I roll my eyes at him. He really thinks we played games all night?

"Oh my God you idiot!" I say, giggling. I sound like a five year old.

We stay quiet for a minute, not doing anything.

"Hey Sollux?"


"Why do you wear those glasses? Like, why are they red and blue?"
"Uhm, well. It's... Kind of strange."

"Not as strange as my internet history. So why?"

"Well... Here, I'll show you."

He takes off his glasses, and looks at me. But his eyes are closed.

"You promise you won't, like, freak out of something?" He asks. He sounds embarrassed, and even a little bit afraid.

"I swear on my love of chocolate I'll still love you. Platonically, of course."

He opens his eyes, and my heart almost skips a beat. His eyes are red and blue. One is a bright blue, the other is a fiery red color.

"Wow... That's amazing!" I whisper. He hears me, because his face turns pink and he smiles a little bit.

"It's some kind of weird disease of something. My eyes usually freaks
people out, so I wear these glasses."

I don't understand how anyone could not like him, just over something as small as having two different colored eyes. I think he looks amazing.

The Bee Boy (Sollux x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now